Hawaii's surge is less than 3 ft in the most affected places. The continental west coast is all worried for absolutely no reason, like usual. The worst part about tsunami warnings is having to witness all the sensationalism. We should be much more concerned about Japan than going to wal-mart to stock up on 100 gallons of water to survive the inevitable... nothing.
Yup, we'll do good to get some nice waves. Seriously, people don't understand that a Tsunami warning is something that the USGS is required to do in all costal areas X distance from an earthquake of Y strength that generates waves of Z height. It's only truly dangerous if you get Tsunami Watch.
Wait wait wait.... Japan has been hit by two earthquakes in the past ~2 days right?
First the 7.3 and then this 8.9 right?
And please just stop with the 2012 crap right now. Disasters happen ALL THE TIME. This has been true since our little planet formed millions of years ago. Seriously people.
Actually, they've had 5 6+ magnitude earthquakes in the past two days.