The numbers vary from the sources I've heard. From my friend in Tokyo who'm I'm on the phone with right now, he says the news is stating 80 thousand missing people, while US reports only 1000.
the 80k is people missing, the 1k is people confirmed dead. The last large-scale earthquake to hit Japan killed 5.5k, but they've stepped up their earthquake-resistant and tsunami-control technologies significantly since then as well as warning systems. Hoewever, this earthquake was a bit larger than that one.
Would everyone from now on mind giving links to where they're getting all this info, if they have them? All of the sites I've been following don't seem to update very frequently, even sites like CNN and MSNBC. (not only covering this anymore, but they are still covering it more in-depth than most broadcast stations are)
I believe I witnessed several peoples deaths while watching that wave creep across the land.
I saw 2 separate clips were cars were trapped by the wave both in front then behind. Eventually it closed in and washed the vehicles away. I'm kinda stunned.
Living on the west coast of Canada, it's only a matter of time until we suffer a similar fate. We are already over due for the "big one".

When the Cascadia Subduction Zone goes off, the NW American coastline is going to be completely trashed, I have no doubts about it

We really haven't done nearly enough about that.