when deathclaws attack they will go room to room on the entire first floor.
your first room connected to the elevator should be either a FOOD room (A) or a water room (P) make it 3 blocks wide for 6 dwellers. it doesn't necessarily have to be one of these rooms, but it makes sense, and you'll want a room that will level up your dwellers.
you are going to want to train both AGILITY and PERCEPTION up pretty high 10-12 dwellers to fill whichever rooms you picked. (training up LUCK also helps a lot)
-these skill effect how well your dwellers guns damage enemies (P) and how much damage your dweller can avoid (A)
now your going to have 2 more slots to build a room in on the top level . you can make anything you want here as long as your dwellers have good (A) and (P) stats i prefer a room where the deathclaw cant steal resources but you could choose another water/food room if you have a lot of storage.
give the 10 dwellers on the top layer or your vault ALL of your BEST weapons. 12 if you count the vault entrance, which you should definitely have people there at all times by time attacks become frequent.
now that you have the top layer of your vault set up with all of your best and most well equip fighters (high Agility and Perception and Luck) DO NOT build an elevator at the end of the top layer it will channel the deathclaws back into the first room where your cute little dwellers with bring round 2 of their powerful wraith. by which time you should have had time to heal your dwellers with stimpaks and revive them if need be, which you will need to revive a few each attack for a while until you get enough stats and weapons.
when your dwellers get powerful enough the deathclaws will die when they get to the last room on the first layer of your vault possibly before and deathclaw incidents will almost take care of themselves with a little help from you and stimpaks.
this is what worked for me and made deathclaw attacks incredibly easy to manage. once you have weapons in the 17-22 average range for everybody, deathclaws wont matter anymore. and you can build as many radios stations as you want and not care what it attracts.