I think DC mutants, there are more, mutants don't have to be intelligent, they just fight, not like any but the nightkin actually use tactics, and then the only tactic a nightkin uses is invivibility camping, and bam they're in your face.
but if we're basing this all on in game stats, hp and such a 1 behemoth to 7nightkin easily, and there are around 18-24 nightkin in game, not couting respawns, so three behemoth could drop the kin, whilst the other 2 behemoths go to town, then you have the DC muties, from in game- Vault 87 has around 15 mutants patrolling, with around 20 inside, we have the chevy chase area with around 12 in, and that place just out the map with the named ghoul reaver, and on of the behemoth spawns, then there are 3 churches with around 5-6 in them, german town 5 patrolling, about 8-10 inside, random huts with overlords and masters in, (the ones where they have captives) then we have project purity, which has around 6 on the outside, 8 inside.
Patrols across the captial wasteland, lets not forget the 30+ easily around the lincoln memorial area. I also defo know I missed a few of the mutie places in DC but I think we can all be rational and agree, the mojave mutants would be munched down like old twixes y'know.
then we have the mojave, they have black mountain, not counting resawns cause I never for DC.
There are around 20-25 max at black mountain. If that maybe between 10-20 actually, then jacobs town, with around 20 there.
so to say, oh the mojave cause they're smarter is daft, the BOS smarter and better equiped, lost to the NCR due to overwhelming numbers, what do think would happen if it were DC muties vs Mojave, overwhlemed and slapped around.
I now rest my case.
Edit and Fawkes, he's a beast, just a him vs. Marcus whilst the others fight, would be an epic fight, but if we are gonna use intelligence, fawkes could beat marcus, based on that aspect, marcus has survival skills sure, not disputing that, but fawkes would tear him a new one. Especially based on the weaponry they use. Buuut fists only, is a tough one, based on stats I think maybe marcus, if we're not talking a fawkes follower edition, 18k hp.
I don't think gameplay pyshics really count. . .
Gameplay pyshics would be if you reach a town that everybody says is several thousand and thiers 200 people max. Or a super strong character having only average stats.
Jacobstown and Black Mountain could be large towns of hundreds, not to mention the thousands of other Super mutants spread throughout the continent. In DC you have a much smaller place and it is also sparsly populated, the fact that they haven't defeated everybody and the BOS who is seriously hurting for recruits leads me to think thier may not be as many as them as the game makes you think. It's why Raiders and slavers outnumber regular people 10 to 1.