These super mutants were created in the Evolutionary Experimentation Program, the experiment which had been assigned by Vault-Tec and the pre-Great War American government to Vault 87 as part of the clandestine Vault experimentation program. The heavily modified strain of FEV which created these mutants resulted in a new strain of super mutants which, in addition to becoming sterile, grow much larger and stronger as they age. They are different from their Core Region counterparts as they are green-yellow in skin color and less intelligent. Every super mutant's facial expression is permanently set in a sneer. However, unlike their counterparts, they are even less like pure strain humans, and after the transformation no clues on how they looked in their former lives can be found. They take human prisoners across the Capital Wasteland to transform them into more super mutants by injecting them with the FEV still found in Vault 87. Just as on the West Coast, the by-product of the Vault 87-based creations are the hideous chimeric mutants called centaurs, who act as watch/attack dogs for their super mutant masters. - Fallout wiki
Mojave Mutants
The Mariposa super mutants are a variety of super mutants common on the West Coastand in the Midwest that originated from the Mariposa Military Base in California. While some of them can be rather stupid, in general they are more intelligent and civilized than their distant Vault 87 cousins in the Capital Wasteland. Their skin is also darker than that of their east-coast counterparts.
This group also contains the Nightkin They are superior to their fellow super mutants in terms of both intellect and skill, as the FEV-IIdipping has not damaged their intelligence. While in the Master's Army, they had access to superior weapons and armor, including the use of Stealth Boys. Prolonged use of these devices led to a permanent alteration of the pigment in their skin. Instead of the usual dull green, their skin is pale blue.
The nightkin often use their equipped Stealth Boys to sneak-attack those who cross their path, remaining invisible until they come out and fight, sometimes even remaining invisible then. However, prolonged use of Stealth Boys has damaged their sanity, with them becoming incredibly aggressive, paranoid, and in some cases severely delusional. As Marcus explains, they "hate to be seen". The cause of their paranoia is schizophrenia developed from constant use of the Stealth Boys, because of this they can become very angered when stared at for a long amount of time. - Fallout Wiki
What do you think? If these two were to engage in all out war and really wanted to destroy each other no matter the cost who do you think would win?
(EDIT:) Also, a special one on one fight between Fawkes and Marcus, fists only. Who would win?