So, what easter eggs do you think will be in Fallout 4? Or what would you like to see?
I want to see a character based off the Hoff!
I know. There must be something wrong with me.
So, what easter eggs do you think will be in Fallout 4? Or what would you like to see?
I want to see a character based off the Hoff!
I know. There must be something wrong with me.
They should be nice to Nintendo and reference something from that company.
I want a FO version of Adoring Fan, only this time he's overly cynical and negative. He follows you around, commenting about how things are lore-breaking, poorly written, and how everything was better in "the good old days".
Now this would be funny. He/she would also have to be un-killable as well. Just for that extra trolling.
Then Bethesda could have a DLC that you have to buy to get rid of them.
As much as I'd love to see a cameo of him... We really mustn't hassle the Hoff.
Except for that last part, YES. Oh, the atrocities I would inflict.
"Hey. really devoted fan. Come here. I want to see if this pistol is any good."
Sounds more like M'aiq to me, Perhaps Fallout need its own M'aiq like character.
(Khajiiti accent)Say no more, Khajiit agrees with you on this.
"M'aiq could travel fast across the wastes. Some lazy types take vertibirds. It is all the same to M'aiq."
"M'aiq hears that some say war changes. Yet M'aiq knows that war never changes."
"Some said that the people in Boston talk less than in other places. M'aiq has yet to see that."
"Some people want to hold two guns and fire it at the same time. M'aiq thinks they are fools. Just give a rifle to M'aiq "
"Why do some bother about their past? The past doesn't matter to M'aiq, only the present."
If there isn't an Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf easter egg I will cry.
Dinosaur toys that can be found in rather unpleasant places.
One down a toilet, one stuck in a super mutant gore bag, et cetera.
What about a dinosaurier follower that constantly tells the player: "You are doing it wrong!", "You shouldn't even exist!",...
I would like to see the classic... "I use to be a wandering wastelander until I took an arrow to the knee"
from REL_Dovahkiin:
"Have you seen those Ghouls on the Constitution? They got curved swords. CURVED. SWORDS."
I personally wanted some Skyrim easter eggs...
Oh, and a speech-impaired bald BoS paladin.
YOU sir.............................................are hired.
I can totaly see M'aiq saying those lines. ;D
Hahaha I was just taking M'aiq's usual speech patterns and try to edit the lines over there and there
Man screw it, break the fourth wall and have Maiq in Fallout 4, maybe dressed in a way you cant really see him....hood and mask... but same silly shenanigans XD
Cat-eared power armor with servo tails? That's it. That is a wrap! Everybody go home, we got a winner here.
Or just disguise him lore-wise as an FEV experiment gone wrong XD
the real reason no cats are around in fallout, they got dipped in FEV.
Not M'aiq himself, as much as it saddens me I agree Khajiit don't fit well in Fallout.
Something similar, your old robot would be an option but he is to close and its not something you want to hear all the time.
an ghool perhaps.