1. The changes should be easy to implement. This means that they should require little effort on the part of the developers. I am not looking for game-changing changes, but easy and logical changes that would improve a small section of gameplay.
2. The changes should NOT be controversial. For example, no matter how much you love the idea that you must eat every hour to maintain your fatigue, others would have strong opinions against such an attribute. I am searching for ideas that are really just common-sensical and couldn't dampen the enjoyment of other players.
3. The changes or additions should improve the gameplay of TES, not change TES itself. By this I mean that the change or addition should not seek to change the experience of playing the game, but rather streamline that existing experience.
Food for thought: think of silly problems that plagued everyone in Oblivion (even if they were later fixed in mods), and suggest a manner in which they could be fixed without fuss (even if a mod already did it), such that console players or non-modders could enjoy the fruits of the change.
I'll start us off.
1. A keyring in the inventory. In Oblivion, I wanted to keep my keys so I could re-enter any door I unlocked at some point. Unfortunately, this meant I always had to scroll through hundreds of keys to get to items lower in my inventory. It was annoying and unnecessary. It would be nice to be able to click on the keyring to expand a menu of all my keys, but to have that menu minimized until opened. Kind of the same way menus work on the computer.
Note: this can also be applied to the house decorations +ledger for notes (credit Animal Mother)
2. A full screen map or the ability to zoom in and out like in fallout 3. I am pretty sure this will be implemented, but it is really useful. I remember playing Oblivion on the 360 and always having to drag the map over, which got really annoying. Easy to implement, and makes the game better.
Show me what you've got!
Also, don't be afraid to mention things you heard elsewhere (giving credit would be nice). It is the ideas that count. If the thread is popular, I might hand it over to someone active, as I likely don't have time to oversee stuff...
Note: I'll immediately add things I think obviously meet the criteria. If I haven't added something to the list that has been posted, and you really think it should be there, quote it with enthusiasm!
Added to List
1. Theft key to stop unintentional theft (Bulwark pg 1)
2. Turning held objects in three dimensions (Soren0015 pg1)- to place things like books properly.
3. Get rid of latency when mounting horses + improve animation (milne pg 1)
4. Devs check out the mods which fix a lot of this stuff (Baygul pg1)
5. Colour-code shop items according to your ability to buy/use them (Animal Mother pg 1)
6. Individual Character slots: multiple character profiles (Vamphaery pg 1)
*not sure how difficult this would be, but can't imagine it would be too hard)
7. Journal You can Write in (Chineapplepunk pg 1)
8. Psychic Guards Removed (Rhyme Crac)