So my game keeps killing itself the moment this line pops up in my Papyrus logs.
[06/13/2013 - 12:40:34PM] warning: Property DLC2EbonyWarriorEquipment on script DLC2EbonyWarriorScript attached to (04030CC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
And I don't understand why. From what I can tell it's just a script to add bloody iron arrows to him. I'm not anywhere near him at this point; he's waiting at his Last Vigil, yet I'm halfway across the world in Lakeview Manor and this script bugs out and shuts down my game. I'm sick of it and I don't know how to fix it.
I've got the unofficial Dragonborn patch, for all the good it does me. TES5Edit says not a single mod on my computer touches upon the Ebony Warrior, and thus his scripts.