Editing SkyRe Lockpick Changes

Post » Wed May 22, 2013 7:30 am

I recently downloaded SkyRe, and I'm thoroughly enjoying most of the changes, with one exception: Lockpicking seems much more difficult than it was in vanilla, even fully perked up, essentially to the point that it's simply no fun anymore. Since I have no issues with the rest of the changes, and really would like to keep it especially for the Wayfarer tree and it's perks for Frostfall (and eventually Last Seed), what's the easiest way to go about reverting the changes to Lockpicking difficulty? Through TES5Edit I can see that the GMSTs for several lockpicking related settings have been lowered. The Light Fingers perks also have lower Float variables listed for Lockpicking than Vanilla entries on what was once the (insert tier here) Locks. Now, if I were to go into the CK and restore these altered GMST settings to vanilla Skyrim settings, I'd end up with a handful of ITM records. Which wouldn't bother me, as those can be cleaned, but when I clean SkyRe_Main even without altering anything, it deletes several entries that I'll paste below.


I'm not certain that cleaning these entries is wise. I know very little about Skyrim modding, but since the author doesn't say anything about cleaning the mod, I'm wary of doing this, as he would likely know best. But applying the filter for cleaning and deleting ITM records to get rid of the things I might change back to vanilla settings would also delete the above listed stuff.

My long winded explanation given, what's the best way for me to go about tweaking Lockpicking back down to closer to Vanilla levels? Would simply removing the GMSTs (and upping the perk values) with TES5Edit ultimately be easier than doing CK > TES5Edit cleaning? I know the readme says that TES5Edit is best used to resolve conflicts, not edit things, but it seems to me using Edit would sidestep this issue and allow me to leave those other entries in place. Or are the above things it's cleaning out things that should be removed/are harmless to remove?

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Chad Holloway
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