I hear in Far Cry 3 also will be editor ..
If Crytek will do 3 or 4 DLC for Crysis 3 .. i hope last one will be editor like in Far Cry 2-3 .. for 30-35 $ ..
I think with this one would potentially prolong the life of the game. .. also i think this will raise the sales of the game
Of course if the editor will be from the start .. as DLC i think this will raise the sales also after ..
Editor with a limit of 40,000 objects ... also with grass, trees, rocks, water .. where you can make the mountains, textures for them ... skyscraqers that are in the game not all but some of them, explosive barrels, ladders, etc. .. in general the objects that were used in the game .. easy, accessible interface as in Far Cry 2 editor and etc ..
I think will be very strong demand on this .. if Crytek will do that
Editor in Crysis 3 on consoles will give customers something new for them interesting and exciting..