As it is now, there just aren't enough people hyped up for Brink. I've been trying to sell it to friends, family, other message boards, etc but it still feels like nobody knows about it. I still feel like its going to be a sleeper hit, but more attention to the game can only be a good thing. So I think that instead of spamming the refresh button and looking for new vids on youtube, we try and spread the word any way possible. Troll other message boards(I was on doing this earlier), post vids on facebook, do whatever it takes! Dont know about you guys, but I have been counting down the days till Brink for a long while now, and am itching to get my hands on it. Lets do what we can to make sure Brink has a kick ass launch!
Sell it to me.
I'm interested in it, but am unsure about purchasing it.
I have been looking for a good gameplayt vid, not a gameplay vid of parts here and there, and bits and pieces from here and there, I wanna see a match or half a match from one person playing against other people or with other people.
With Black Ops the bits and pieces montage sold me the game because I already knew it's previous games were great, sales just kept jumping, so gameplay montage + history worked well in selling the game. With Brink I'm not feeling the small clips of gameplay, it kinda seems like a trap to a game that may be a hit or miss, espescially since its multiplayer heavy. (Why make my guy look cool to show off to AI or people who dont play online)