Fame, oh joy and bane of man
Desired when not possessed
But despised when had
Fame, ye treacherous beast.
-- Song of the Champions
Chapter Sixty-Three
Edward was seated on a table in the bloodworks, glowering. His Valet and The Gray Prince had just left to fight one another in the Arena, and -- having missed their conversation -- he was furious. "Who does that SOB think he is," he wondered, "running off and getting himself killed instead of being my servant?!" In Edward's mind, there was no doubt whatsoever that his valet would die in this match. "Well, he better not look to me to take care of him if he comes out of there mutilated or half-dead," he decided. "He can go to Oblivion for all that I care, after turning his back on his sacred duty to serve me in order to fight for vain glory." It was for that reason that Edward had not gone into the Arena with the other spectators -- that, and that he'd have to bet on the championship to get in...and, while he wouldn't have minded making a quick buck betting on his friend's certain death, he'd somehow run out of money...again.
And yet, if only for the satisfaction of seeing his valet dragged, a bloody mess, back into the bloodworks, he'd decided to wait until after the fight to leave. He could hear the shouting, cheering and jeering overhead, and the booming voice of the announcer above all that. "Good people of the Imperial City ," it called, "today our match is epic! A pit dog -- that's right, ladies and gentlemen, a pit dog! -- has challenged The Gray Prince himself!" Uproarious laughter, more cheers and more jeers followed. Then the announcer continued. "This will be almost painful to watch...but, in his benevolence, our Grand Champion has obliged the suicidal pit dog. So, without further ado...let the match begin!"
Edward heard the grating of iron as the gates were lowered, but the rest was lost in the tidal wave of excited fans’ cheering. Edward sighed. Was it possible, he wondered, that he was actually worried about his servant? Was it possible that that was the reason that he was waiting? Dismissing the idea with a scoff, Edward's glare intensified. He, Edward, did not worry about servants. Indeed, he had himself wanted to kill his valet on many occasions. So why then was this annoying fear gnawing at his stomach?
It was far beneath a man of his dignity to care what befell his servant, so these apprehensions -- even if he wouldn't acknowledge them -- were downright embarrassing to Edward. His glare and ill humor intensified with every bit of compassion and fear that he felt, so soon he outmatched even the dour Battle Matron and Blademaster with his excessive petulance.
It was impossible to tell over the cacophony of noise above what was happening, so Edward sat in ill-humored silence for several moments. Then, all at once, everything fell silent; and suddenly a collective gasp -- audible even to those in the bloodworks -- rose from the crowd of spectators.
Edward's expression grew darker yet. It was done, then, he assumed. His valet was dead.
And then, as suddenly as the silence had descended, an uproar of cheers and chanting filled the air. "Dragonheart! Dragonheart! Dragonheart!" the crowd seemed to be calling in unison.
Edward's frown shifted, but remained. "Dragonheart?" he wondered. "Who the oblivion is Dragonheart? What about that stupid Gray Prince, and my donkey* servant?"
Then, almost in answer to his pondering, the announcer's voice declared, "Citizens...I am amazed! We are amazed! This upstart, the pit dog, has defeated The Gray Prince!" Edward leapt to his feet in sheer astonishment; but the announcer continued. "This has to be...well, the most spectacular fight I have ever seen, and the most unorthodox path a Grand Champion has ever followed...but...it is my pleasure to announce our City's new Grand Champion: Dragonheart!"
(* In lieu of a word meaning the same that was not acceptable to the forum vocab, lol)