Effects system

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:38 pm

While playing Oblivion, I kinda thought it was a pain that you had to search through the effects page on your spell book to see what you have, so here would be the layout that I'd like to see in Skyrim:

Effect name (effect type)
- Effect one +- Attribute/skill/resource change
- Effect two +- Attribute/skill/resource change
- Effect three +- Spell effectiveness
- Effect four Script Name

That way, the game is a bit more organized and you can tell what you have.

Here's some examples:
Porphyric Hemophilia (disease)
- Drain Fatigue -5
- Vampirism

Serpiginous Dementia (disease)
- Drain Intelligence -10
- Drain Personality -10
- Drain Willpower - 5

Shrouded Armor (enchantment)
- Fortify Sneak + 8
- Fortify Illusion + 8
- Fortify Marksman + 8
- Fortify Blade + 8
- Fortify Acrobatics + 8

That would kind of keep your effects list a bit more organized and help you figure out if you have a certain disease. (I actually missed the Porphyric Hemophilia once because I had something else that drained fatigue and became a vampire, not good when you're in the mages guild).

If you like this, I iz happy. If you can improve it, then post it, so I iz happy.
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Chris BEvan
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