Eighteen days later....

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:19 pm

PC paid less in Europe, It is the same price across platforms in the USA, and depending on where you buy it, it is slightly cheaper on PC in Aus.

PC was also promised that DX11 would work on release and that the game would prioritise to the PC fanbase and community. I think that is why the Xbox forums had an invasion of angry PC gamers yesterday and the day before.

I'm pretty certain this won't be fixed before Brink is released, and that I will most likely trade it in for that.......

I had some communication with Cry-Adam in my thread "Start Communicating, Stop locking threads about the Patch" 2 days ago, and Cry-Adam responded to the "Grain/Parasite" thread yesterday. Besides confirming some things, no new information has been provided.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:21 pm

PC paid less in Europe, It is the same price across platforms in the USA, and depending on where you buy it, it is slightly cheaper on PC in Aus.

PC was also promised that DX11 would work on release and that the game would prioritise to the PC fanbase and community. I think that is why the Xbox forums had an invasion of angry PC gamers yesterday and the day before.

I'm pretty certain this won't be fixed before Brink is released, and that I will most likely trade it in for that.......

I had some communication with Cry-Adam in my thread "Start Communicating, Stop locking threads about the Patch" 2 days ago, and Cry-Adam responded to the "Grain/Parasite" thread yesterday. Besides confirming some things, no new information has been provided.

Don't blame you for trading in for Brink.... I'm giving them another week to either start communicating or release a patch, if not then I'm returning it and picking up BFBC2. Figure I should get used to some BF mechanics before BF3 comes out. Hopefully they won't release a broken game too
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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:55 pm

This is quite possibly the worst communication I have ever seen. I don't care if you gave up on crysis2 and started on #3. If you don't care about C2 then fine... I'll return it and wait for the next FPS around the corner. I don't care. It's a video game. I enjoy them and I think that I could even enjoy yours. The money is well..... money I would have wasted anyways.

It is absurd tho, that you don't have one piece of single information that is relevant to anyone playing your game on a console. You released a patch that barely fixed any of the issues people were having and it took you FIVE days to post patch notes that no one cared about.

We know you can't give us an exact date but really... Is there going to be a patch within weeks, months or never? That's not a hard multiple choice question. It's all anyone really wants to know. Should i stop playing for a month or two while you finish making the game? Are you done with this project forever? Is it just around the corner but you're unsure if it's going to be 1-3 weeks?

The moderator on this forum doesn't do anything. He has like two posts a day that don't offer information, confirm nor deny anything. It's like talking to a lawyer. All he's done is release patch notes super late and keep telling people to post in the correct forum.

So he is in fact a forum moderator and not some one that does anything with this company. I get it. But why haven't we had a real announcement from this company? There's nothing on the front page about PS3 and 360 issues, last patch, upcoming patches or anything. This company has yet after sixteen days to even say "sorry, we're working on it."

This company is becoming a joke. Get your **** together. Your game isn't bad, and C3 could be huge. We aren't Jehovah witnesses, open the **** door and talk to us.

One word: EPIC.

I agree totally.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:24 pm

Figured I'd add some more information on how pathetic these developers are. There's insane boosting going on in this game, I'm not going to go in to how it's done tho most of you probably already know.

The thing is, when the game is over and it tallies your points these points are then sent to the servers, verified and added to your exp and rank. There is not a single game mode that would ever allow you to get more than say..... 10k a game?(we're not counting bonuses from assessments here. I'm talking about in-game SCORE.) Even if you got all 50 kills in a TDM game, that's still 5000 total score. 100 kills + 1000 crash site points still wouldn't get you that high.

So to stop boosting all they'd have to do is put a cap on game scores. This would all be server side and wouldn't even require a patch to do so. It would take them like 12 minutes to write the code that says (if game score > 10k; gamescore == 10,000). At least then boosters would be limited to 10k a game. There's boosters getting 90k+ GAME SCORE every game right now.

Honestly, I hate leveling systems, they're **** stupid and I don't have any negative feelings towards boosters because I really do understand why they don't want to play 10 hours to get a gun or game mode they want.

It's just one more thing that shows how little these developers care about their game. It's really pathetic.
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Ann Church
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:52 pm

Quite honestly I don't think anyone gives a damn about what you have to say about the game. Please sell it, and stop posting on the forums. Go back to Black Ops.

Stop making these stupid ass threads.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:22 pm

Got to agree with OP. Well said
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