Eighteen days later....

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:28 am

This is quite possibly the worst communication I have ever seen. I don't care if you gave up on crysis2 and started on #3. If you don't care about C2 then fine... I'll return it and wait for the next FPS around the corner. I don't care. It's a video game. I enjoy them and I think that I could even enjoy yours. The money is well..... money I would have wasted anyways.

It is absurd tho, that you don't have one piece of single information that is relevant to anyone playing your game on a console. You released a patch that barely fixed any of the issues people were having and it took you FIVE days to post patch notes that no one cared about.

We know you can't give us an exact date but really... Is there going to be a patch within weeks, months or never? That's not a hard multiple choice question. It's all anyone really wants to know. Should i stop playing for a month or two while you finish making the game? Are you done with this project forever? Is it just around the corner but you're unsure if it's going to be 1-3 weeks?

The moderator on this forum doesn't do anything. He has like two posts a day that don't offer information, confirm nor deny anything. It's like talking to a lawyer. All he's done is release patch notes super late and keep telling people to post in the correct forum.

So he is in fact a forum moderator and not some one that does anything with this company. I get it. But why haven't we had a real announcement from this company? There's nothing on the front page about PS3 and 360 issues, last patch, upcoming patches or anything. This company has yet after sixteen days to even say "sorry, we're working on it."

This company is becoming a joke. Get your **** together. Your game isn't bad, and C3 could be huge. We aren't Jehovah witnesses, open the **** door and talk to us.

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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:21 am

if you take your time to read through the mess that every one is making in the forums you will see that they have responded to us and let us know that they are aware of the problems that are going on.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:33 pm

Dude, this has been covered so many times. Just look in the recent threads please.

Creating more pointless threads only makes the moderators task of sifting through the hundreds of posts more difficult.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:26 am

Are you stupid? ONLY 16 DAYS? Some other companies are a lot worse and they don't even make this big of a game. *Cough* Jagex *Cough* Then there's Valve when it comes to Half Life 2 Episode 3... trying to think of other companies now.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:44 pm

Duke Nukem, 12+ years later...

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:32 pm

if you take your time to read through the mess that every one is making in the forums you will see that they have responded to us and let us know that they are aware of the problems that are going on.


The only response we've gotten is from cry-adam saying "patch notes are correct I have no more information" and "I'll pass this along." Does nothing ever get passed back? Cause he doesn't know ****. He barely knows the game mechanics.

The biggest problem with this game is the lack of communication from developers. He needs to pass that along.

I mean really, is saying "ok i'll tell the devs" enough for you? We can't get a timeline? Are they focusing the first set of patches on SP, MP or both? Should we expect a patch in weeks or months?

Stop being a fan boy of this company and it's moderators. They haven't done a single thing to gain loyalty from ANYONE.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:32 pm

Are you stupid? ONLY 16 DAYS? Some other companies are a lot worse and they don't even make this big of a game. *Cough* Jagex *Cough* Then there's Valve when it comes to Half Life 2 Episode 3... trying to think of other companies now.

You're seriously comparing a mainstream game developer to Jagex? Yahoo games probably has some bugs too.. but no one pays good money for that **** anyways. Valve has never really released a good MP game.... Their engines have been decent allowing good MP experiences to be made on top of them.. like counter-strike. Their SP experiences are far from anything new.

Duke Nukem, 12+ years later...


Yea, I'm still waiting for Duke's return too... Tho I didn't pay for it yet and I'm certainly not awaiting a patch.
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Andrea P
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:08 pm

Are you stupid? ONLY 16 DAYS? Some other companies are a lot worse and they don't even make this big of a game. *Cough* Jagex *Cough* Then there's Valve when it comes to Half Life 2 Episode 3... trying to think of other companies now.

Bungie with Halo: Reach, didn't release a patch for 8 months.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:45 pm

Are you stupid? ONLY 16 DAYS? Some other companies are a lot worse and they don't even make this big of a game. *Cough* Jagex *Cough* Then there's Valve when it comes to Half Life 2 Episode 3... trying to think of other companies now.

Bungie with Halo: Reach, didn't release a patch for 8 months.

Actually, Bungie didn't release a Title Update for 8 months. It was tweaked almost every month.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:26 pm

Are you stupid? ONLY 16 DAYS? Some other companies are a lot worse and they don't even make this big of a game. *Cough* Jagex *Cough* Then there's Valve when it comes to Half Life 2 Episode 3... trying to think of other companies now.

Bungie with Halo: Reach, didn't release a patch for 8 months.

Actually, Bungie didn't release a Title Update for 8 months. It was tweaked almost every month.

Yup, they also had very few problems from day1. They released two patches fixing small **** within a week of release and then had a monthly update for several months. Bungie has also always been great with their community. There's a reason they had so many followers.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:34 am

This game will never get fixed and that's the end of it.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:34 am

You'll probably eat your words.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:49 pm

Whether the game gets fixed or not doesn't matter to me. I enjoy the game as it is now. It could be better, yes, but even with the flaws it is still fun. If some of you people know the future and know that the game will never get fixed, then why do you people continuously post about it? Get off it. Sell it. Nobody will care.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:43 pm

OP very good thread topic, Sad but TRUE....

I waited a long time for this game and ill give it another week or 2 tops, then im dumping it and going to gears 3 mp beta...
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Amber Ably
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:00 pm

You'll probably eat your words.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:04 pm

i agree with your point on why cry-adam cannot give us information once he passes along the problems to the developers. the communication is one way, which makes the community get pissy and crytek look like they are ignoring us. it also makes the "waiting" game even more dreadful.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:57 am

i agree with your point on why cry-adam cannot give us information once he passes along the problems to the developers. the communication is one way, which makes the community get pissy and crytek look like they are ignoring us. it also makes the "waiting" game even more dreadful.

Absolutely. Either he has no idea what's going on or he isn't allowed to tell us. I'm going with the former.

It also doesn't "look" like they are ignoring us. THEY ARE ignoring us. Which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I've seen some terrible releases, even worse than this, but their developers were on top from the get go with communication being posted on their front page EVERY day to ensure the community that they were working on the problems.

And to your commit about the waiting game......You are absolutely right. The worst part of the waiting game is not knowing when or if ever they will fix the game.... simply because they won't talk to us.

Wish this company cared about it's community. I wouldn't buy any crytek release with out waiting two weeks and seeing what players say about it. Last pre-order they get from me. Whack ass company.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:05 pm

Cry-Adam responded a few times to my thread on communication, but we only got a tiny amount of clarification and no new information has been provided for several days now. It is getting frustrating again. I really, really want to sit down for an extended MP session but it is just impossible with the Migrating Session I get EVERY SINGLE MATCH. It is such a shame.

I am currently replaying SP to gather a full list of bugs, as I haven't played it since the patch. And I can tell you so far, I am at the end of Road Rage, and I have 2 and a Half A4 pages of notes. No Joke. There are an enormous amount of bugs I did not notice my first 2 play throughs, as I was just enjoying the game so much and rushing through it. For the first mission I have nearly a page of notes on issues alone, and I would have figured that would be the stage that was tested and played the most. And paying attention to the game mechanics as close as I am now, the AI is absolutely pathetic - there is no difference on any of the difficulties, I am currently playing SS and the only difference I have noticed is that 3 bullets can kill you and enemies respawn behind you.

The AI in Golden Eye was better than this, it is better at tracking the player in Half-life and doesn't randomly shoot you through walls as though it has Superman's x-ray vision, the zombie hordes in Left4Dead get caught on the geometry and walk into walls far less often, and I have never seen a games AI throw this many grenades at itself. It is really starting to annoy me after all the hype this game got. And I dont think it bodes well for Crytek's new flagship Engine if the studio that made it can't even get the AI mechanics to work to an impressive level.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:50 am

Crytek is a Developer not company

A company specialized in more than one profession
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:57 pm

Crytek is a Developer not company

A company specialized in more than one profession

Crytek is a Video Game Developing Company - EA is a Video Game Publishing Company.

They are Both Businesses. Seeking revenue from products.

All Companies employ people of diverse skills and specialisations, as that is the only way to become an effecient organisation. Many professions will be housed within the organisation to attend to it's many needs.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:29 pm

Crytek is a Developer not company

A company specialized in more than one profession

This is just pretty ignorant. There's probably 100,000 companies that specialize in one profession. And even if you really want to be that anol retentive... pretty sure there's no one else here that got confused by me using the word "company" instead of "developer." So take your nazi grammar ass somewhere else.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:10 am

If anything the Lack of communication is bad considering the Healthy communication in the PC forum, We all payed the same price for the game no? why treat platforms differently?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:04 pm

Crytek won't move until a major gaming site bring the issues in the light. Posting here won't hurt sales, and that's why they don't care at all.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:14 pm

PC probably paid less, that how it goes....
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:05 pm

This is quite possibly the worst communication I have ever seen. I don't care if you gave up on crysis2 and started on #3. If you don't care about C2 then fine... I'll return it and wait for the next FPS around the corner. I don't care. It's a video game. I enjoy them and I think that I could even enjoy yours. The money is well..... money I would have wasted anyways.

It is absurd tho, that you don't have one piece of single information that is relevant to anyone playing your game on a console. You released a patch that barely fixed any of the issues people were having and it took you FIVE days to post patch notes that no one cared about.

We know you can't give us an exact date but really... Is there going to be a patch within weeks, months or never? That's not a hard multiple choice question. It's all anyone really wants to know. Should i stop playing for a month or two while you finish making the game? Are you done with this project forever? Is it just around the corner but you're unsure if it's going to be 1-3 weeks?

The moderator on this forum doesn't do anything. He has like two posts a day that don't offer information, confirm nor deny anything. It's like talking to a lawyer. All he's done is release patch notes super late and keep telling people to post in the correct forum.

So he is in fact a forum moderator and not some one that does anything with this company. I get it. But why haven't we had a real announcement from this company? There's nothing on the front page about PS3 and 360 issues, last patch, upcoming patches or anything. This company has yet after sixteen days to even say "sorry, we're working on it."

This company is becoming a joke. Get your **** together. Your game isn't bad, and C3 could be huge. We aren't Jehovah witnesses, open the **** door and talk to us.

My heart bleeds for you pal...........except I dont have one.
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Nicole M
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