Not entirely, Helljumper. Deacon often states that they used to run missions to help Humans, but Desdemona won't green-light missions to help Humans, possibly hinting she's the primary reason the Railroad had gone from being an anti-slavery organisation to a anti-Synth-slavery organisation. Much like the Institute and Brotherhood, there's somebody calling the shots who possibly shouldn't be ...
If I'm reading the commentary from the NPCs right, before Desdemona took over, the Railroad was helping Humans and Synths, but then either Desdemona took over and altered the Railroad's primary purpose, or the Institute started to really crack down on them and Desdemona doubled down on saving Synths in response, as the only real way to fight back against an organisation whose main base was seemingly unreachable.
And I think people are forgetting that while Maxson is certainly an unnervingly zealous and at-times callous leader, he honestly believes what he is doing is honestly the right course of action, and that he can make the Commonwealth safe again, and while oppressive in the extreme, the Brotherhood does increase the protection and safety of the pure-blooded Humans under their dominion. Ghouls are best advised to leave the region, and Super Mutants are KoS regardless of if they are violent or not.
Does anyone know if this 'Shephard' that Maxson fought was trying to assemble the Super Mutants into a fighting force or a nation? It's never mentioned explicitly why he was gathering the other Super Mutants, but then Danse also admits that the Brotherhood is not above propaganda when it suits their purpose, when you take him into radio-stations or the bugle offices. It's one of those situations where people who are not comfortable with the jack-boot approach of this incarnation of the BoS are given yet more 'evidence' that something isn't kosher, while those who are simply see it as a logical and useful tool in a war without end.
Neither side is wrong or right, and that's the beauty of this story. Both sides are perfectly justified in their beliefs with plentiful ammunition for forum-wars.
Unfortunately, there's subtext in the journals, holotapes and terminal entries that seem to suggest that the Elders before Maxson were set up to fail or subtly assassinated for following Lyon's beliefs, he's being 'boosted' to a heroic figure to try and rally a flagging Brotherhood chapter around this burgeoning 'legend', or that he might actually not be quite as heroic as he pretends, given that Danse mentions that Maxson never likes to get his hands dirty during a certain 'crisis' mission for the BoS.
This is magnificent bastardry on Bethesda's part, as we never actually get to see if Maxson really is the simple soldier he seems to believe he is or something darker or false. The actions of the Brotherhood, if you haven't signed on with Danse before the Prydwen arrives, are also somewhat disturbing in that they openly dismiss you even after saving them from Super Mutants or Raiders, stating "If you're not Brotherhood, you're nothing." in several cases, yet once you've signed up they fall over each other to kiss up to you.
There's a very heavy sense of "Do as we say, not as we do." with the Brotherhood, a sense of callous disregard for the people despite the rhetoric of wanting to protect them. And given the intense hero-worship of Maxson and the stated anti-Lyons sentiment of the 'division' aboard the Prydwen, the current batch of BoS trying to 'liberate' the Commonwealth might not be what the Commonwealth actually wants or needs.
And what is a 'Division' anyways? Are they talking about the entire Chapter's fighting force? A significant portion? Just the elite forces? If it's the first, that's disturbing in that it means the entire Capital Wasteland just became undefended. If it's the second, then that means the Capital Wasteland is under-defended but possibly not to the point where the Brotherhood's rule will slip, for good or ill. If it's the third definition, then that means Maxson came out here with his most devoted soldiers and the lion's (Lyon's?) share of their Power Armor and other tech to fight this 'crusade', which means should the BoS fail, then the Capital Wasteland BoS Chapter is about to lose a great deal of their ability to express their power.
There's also the naggingly ambiguous statements on the Prydwen's terminals and holotapes that when the Enclave Base stopped providing adequate resources for the building of the Airship, the BoS turned to Rivit City. Considering how the BoS act and how determined that Maxson is/was to build this flying troop-carrying fortress, I sincerely doubt the population of Rivit City was asked about their opinion on this, nor compensated for the loss of their reactor or the damage to their home that the BoS's salvage teams would have done if the snippets of BoS talking about shaking down traders for tech are any indication.