Why is this a problem? Don't attacks just stop if your defense rating is higher than your resources produced?
Why is this a problem? Don't attacks just stop if your defense rating is higher than your resources produced?
No, they are just less likely to occur at a high defense settlement but they don't occur if the BOS controls that settlement
I wasn't complaining. I was praising the Brotherhood for defending just about everything in the game.
Ah, yes. Please tell me more about the nefarious plans of the synths being sheltered in Bunker Hill.
So, you'll give non sequiturs, in short? The mere fact of being a synth shouldn't mark you for death any more than being human should.
I just finished another MQ play through as the Institute. Note that the Battle of Bunker hill is an Institute Quest. It does not happen if you are just playing the BOS.
Anyway, I made this play through specifically to examine the mechanics of this event.
It is clearly a quest to present, what should be a simple mission, going horribly wrong. The player and a Courser are supposed to retrieve some malfunctioning Synths. Instead it becomes a pitched battle since someone tipped off both the Railroad and the BOS.
The real villain here is the Railroad, whose conscienceless disregard for human life allows them to use innocent traders and their families as human shields for their clandestine activities.
Anyway back to the topic of Elder Maxson.
I believe the Death Claw incident that messed up his face is a case of a developing legend. I hear BOS people say he was fighting it single handed. However, while I believe he was fighting a Death Claw that walloped him, and while I believe he may have gotten the kill shot on it, I also believe there was probably a couple fully kitted Knights and maybe a scribe shooting at the thing too.
The BOS typically doesn't patrol solo.
Still this would take nothing away from his obvious personal courage.
Cider, I stand corrected. However, I like my more realistic, but erroneous, version better. heehee.
That's nothing, my dogmeat took out a mystic deathclaw by himself.
STOP with the ridiculous "SJW" insults, it shows none of you in a good light and it has not a [censored] thing to do with this game or your opinions on Elder Max and the BOS.
Stick to your topic.
Because individuals developing a cult of personality never have reason to exaggerate their accomplishments.
The whole thing reads like a Davie Crockett myth. "Killed him a bear when he was only three."
Maxson is so great he saved his entire squad when they were supposed to be protecting him (two years after he was so clumsy with a gun he shot Sarah Lyons in the ass). Maxson is so great he took on a deathclaw by himself when he was barely a teen. Maxson is so great that cults are popping up in the west worshiping him as a God, which he, because he's so great and awesome and humble and perfect, refuses to accept their worship.
Sure Maxson. Sure.
Enjoyed the character, and enjoyed eventually turning on him and killing him. Terrible human being.
I'm sure.
Yes, we can cherry pick examples of exceptional individuals in history. We can also cherry pick numerous of examples of leaders exaggerating or lying about past accomplishments to develop cults of personality intended to create an "an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful, image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise."
Maxson went from, at age ten, to being so clumsy with a gun he accidental shot the girl he was crushing on. He displayed no measure aptitude or incredible talent during this time and by all accounts just looked to be a normal kid. Then suddenly in two years he becomes a super-action hero who saves a squad of Brotherhood soldiers, killed a deathclaw single-handedly (a feat that no doubt veteran Brotherhood Paladins would find challenging), and now it just so happens cults of Maxson are popping up in the West because everyone loves him there (despite communication with the West Coast Elder likely being difficult what with the war with the NCR still on-going).
Is this all true? Ok sure, maybe he's just an amazing prodigy or has divine help on his side or something.
Do I believe it? No. At best, I think there's some grains of truth in there. But embellishment, IMO, has almost certainly occurred in order to develop Maxson's cult of personality
Lt Andronicus, If it's on Quinlan's terminal, I'm pretty sure Bethesda intends it to be canon. Quinlan is presented as a serious scholar, not a fan boy. You may not like Bethesda's writing, and I generally fall into that category myself, but it's their story. So like it or not, divine intervention or not, Maxson did all these things just as Quinlan recorded them.
Thing is, none of these events have any bearing on whether or not Maxson is a good leader. The event that first shows his leadership ability is his creation of the Eastern BOS, by negotiating the reunification of Lyons BOS with the Outcasts. I guess you could also include the successful campaign against the Super Mutants in the Capitol Wasteland, something that Elder Lyons was clearly out of his depth on.
Yes, cherry picking: "the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position."
You point out examples of historical figures that did great feats.
I can just as easily argue the flip side of that data set which is that there is plenty of leaders throughout history who've claimed to have done great feats. But didn't. At a young age or otherwise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality are not an imagined thing.
The fact that Joan of Arc led the french army at age 17 doesn't mean that Elder Maxson killed a deathclaw at age 13. Its unrelated.
I mean, believe what you want. If you accept Maxson's biography as written. That's fine. Those who are more inclined towards The Brotherhood probably will, because they believe in the ideal Maxson as Glorious Leader which that biography claims to show.
I, on the other hand, believe its been embellished. There's undoubtedly some grains of truth there, but I don't believe all of it is true. Call me a skeptic.
Or they intend it to be examples of a Maxson Cult of Personality.
Seems, to me, like its clearly worded to be written that way. The exaggerations and glorification fit the MO of personality cult glorification to a T.
Personally, I think its intended to start the very debate we are having now. Did he really do all this? Or is it just [censored]? I think its all a tease.