Ah, I totally missed that other thread and only noticed it after it was up to 215 posts, so I'm kinda glad you made a new one so I can join in.
I will just be honest: I dislike most if not all the characters in the BoS. We got off on the wrong foot I think. I just found Danse to be such an arrogant, ungrateful [censored] and even after he lauded me to Rhys and Haylen I had a hard time getting past it. Rhys insulting demeanor and Haylen's "I'm just trying to fit in; Oh God I made such a BAD decision joining these goons!" didn't help.
I did a quick "check it out" trip up to the Prydwen once, not meaning to play it through, but just to have a look. Actually what happened was a I spoke to Danse and it started that whole rollercoaster ride, so I just went along with it. However, the whole time I'm in that vertibird I'm just thinking to myself (do these punks even REALIZE what they have here with these machines!? If I have even SIX of these Power Armor clad bozos, two of these vertibirds and enough support troops to hold ground, I'd have this whole damn commonwealth cleaned up in about a week! Instead, these jokers are just cruising around taking potshots and getting shot down by raiders with pipe weapons!?
The interesting thing here is, I'm not the least bit an "anti-militaristic" type. Scipio Africanus is one of my greatest heroes, as is Augustus Ceasar, and in his own way Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Dwight Eisenhower, Ulyssess S. Grant, William T. Sherman, even to some degree some of the great military leaders of the Axis and Soviet powers . . . The difference with all of these great leaders (if not conquerors) is that they were CAPABLE, EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT, and deserving of respect. Whether it is intentional or just a happenstance, the BoS in my eyes does not fit ANY of these criterion and I place Maxson as the primary party responsible. I understand that the East Coast branch of this "Holy Military Order" was a generation previously, on the verge of extinction and that this young man (who could quite rightfully be called a "Whipper Snapper") managed to save the organization. So he saved them, got the blimp rebuilt and has them on the move to flush out the bad guys and blow up heads. So WHAT!? If he was a "great leader" the SS would be completely unneeded, completely inconsequential, and if the SS thwarted him, completely dead. In contrast, I find that the way the BoS is portrayed: their patrols routinely have been cut to shreds by common Wasteland critters that "I" a lawyer woman who was frozen for most of the last 210 years, and who barely knew how to shoot before I went in the deep freeze, routinely massacre single handedly.
Part of this is that it is a game of course and the needs to be a role for the SS, but given the BoS are ALSO portrayed as being so proud, so headstrong, so dogmatic, so uncompromising, so vainglorious, and arrogant, the net effect is that it is VERY difficult for me to relate to them as anything except ridiculous incompetent boobs in metal suits who wouldn't even be able to find their eject lever with both hands if I didn't point it out to them.
So before I even MET Maxson, that is how I, a person with great respect for great military leaders and for the epic brilliance of some historical military organizations related to the Brotherhood of Steel . . . "Seriously? You wearing Power Armor and you need ME to save you from some friggin' ferals!?"
Dismiss it as "it is a game" all you want, but THAT is how the BoS are portrayed: their vertibirds blow up, their "Knights" are apparently ineffectual, their patrols are mostly "lost" and unaccounted for, their supply lines are stretched thin, their blimp is running out of gas, and they are basically a basket case of poorly managed military operations. No amount of charisma or determination can make up for lack of training, lack of organization and lack of planning.
This is not even getting into my issues with the underlying philosophy and goals of the Brotherhood which I find to be dense to begin with. Oh right, you want to save humanity by preventing powerful technologies from falling into the "wrong hands," you know, people who are too stupid to use such technology wisely or evil or something. Okay, so, explain to me how you figure that --> YOU'ZE GUYS! <-- ARE the "right hands" for all this tech you have looted!?" They are the essence of hypocrisy from the very beginning!
And then we get Maxson . . . oh boy, what a goon. Did you notice that hairdo he sports, what it is called in the Face Gen applet? 
I'm guessing that it was quite intentional that Bethesda made the BoS exactly how they are.