Elder Maxson in future Fallouts

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:27 pm

He doesn't do anything wrong.....people are just mad because he's blunt. I rather like the blunt and rude honesty than deal with two faced punks like the Railroad. The bottom line is that synths are not people and we see more than enough of them killing a human to replace them and doing other nefarious things to have no problems capping them. People draw too many irrelevant parallels like racism or bigotry or whatever but none of those apply as synths are not people and are extremely destructive and were created for deception and killing. If humanity wasn't on the brink of extinction I'd be more prone to humanely capturing them and looking into the possibility of rewriting them to be applied to positive purposes but as is they are not worth the risk.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:31 pm

Btw where do you get this humany on the brink of extinction thing i mean sure things are pretty messed up in FO4 playable area but humanity is far from extinction(Midwestern BOS runs a stable state of its own expanding outwards from Vault 0 which holds their immense production capabilites, NCR controls vast areas in and around California-proper state with goverment,judicial sytem, army, mass transportation-railroads, police etc,,, not sure whats the cannon ending for New Vegas(independant,Mr House or NCR in eather case it is stable area as well))

And he does plenty wrong now if we are honest about it all main factions do since they are designed to be neather good or evil but rather gray and somewhere in betwen, with only exception MM which are basicly player made/run faction so they kinda develop in whatever you want em to ofcourse that doesnt mean they are flawless eather.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:06 am

Well if you look at diamond city the supermutants are at the walls killing guards and the mayor is a synth that succeeds/tries to kill someone.....most farms are on the brink of collapse and very vulnerable. Besides the BoS and the Institute there are no solid settlements that aren't in danger of imminent collapse and even those two are far from secure. The numbers of the human population are very low everywhere.....no more than hundreds. And with all the horrors lurking everywhere the situation is desperate and imminent. Embrace spy robots programmed to kill in those small numbers and and the human population would very quickly go down to 0.

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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:43 am

I made a thread about this too. What I like about Maxson is that despite being extreme he is genuine in his mission and I believe that he's willing to give his life for it and for the soldiers under his command. He's almost convincing in that way. But then you reconcile his speech making with their immediate outcomes and you don't feel so great. And without knowing the long term outcomes of those actions you're left wondering if the cost was worth it. Gunning down defenseless scientists makes my stomach turn; even if the bulk of their work is unethical.

So yeah I'm rooting for a BoS loss, but with Maxson surviving and gaining some perspective. Or a BoS Pyrrhic victory where the Institute was destroyed, but they lost a majority of their Knights and Paladins inside.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:14 pm

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the Prydwen exploding.


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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:29 pm

Defenseless scientists? How about monsters? Those people conducted some horrific FEV experiments that killed many people is some really horrible ways and through the Synths are responsible for the deaths of countless more. I look at them and see Vault-Tec reborn.....I see the death of my beloved Nora over and over again....I see how they kidnapped, brainwashed, and turned my son into a monster too. There is no sympathy or mercy left in me for those people.

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:23 am

And in the end, like Maxson, you became what you most hated.

Sympathy and mercy are all the Wasteland has left.

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Batricia Alele
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:25 am

Well even if take all that as true that still doesnt mean humanity is on brink of extinction, also you need to seperate lore from ingame mehanics when taking those things into acount, cuz if you just take everything literarly it makes no sence(i mean ok i killed well over 1500 human enemies by your logic that means i already extermined like half of humans in Boston area-but wth they keep comming back after few ingame days), if you take a look at previus Fallouts for example Vegas city wasnt any more populated(despite lore wise being big and densly populated), NCR capital in Fallout 2 also didnt have more than 30-40 ingame residents(despite depicting a capital of nation with a population of 750k at that time).

So if you look at it lore wise numbers are nowhere near low, thats just depiced like that(same as in any other game around), cuz of ingame mehanics, engine limitations etc... lore wise Diamon city is suposed to be a triving comunity that has withstood 2 centuries now we do not actualy have exact data on population but taking into consideration size of the actual stadium it depicts it wud easely be in 1000s. Also mayor succeding/trying to kill someone isnt rly an indication of anything special check the news irl murder/attempted murder isnt rly something human kind has never heard off.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:29 am

I am not the one who handed the Commonwealth on a silver platter to those psychopaths to dissect.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:23 am


Because *breathes out* It's just a game.


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Brian Newman
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:41 am

Yeah, they committed atrocities and so on and so forth. But I'm from 2015 Massachusetts and not 2287 Commonwealth. Gunning down people running for their lives is an emphatic NO in my book.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:57 pm

until we're talking about the Brotherhood of Steel, anyway.

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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:08 am

For my personality, he made a great antagonist. I was all up for the BoS on my first play through, I had done all the crap with Paladin Danse and quite a few missions for his minions. Then I set off about doing the main quest. Once he arrived and I got an audience, the conversation completely gave my opinion a 180 about the BoS and I soon came back with all my biggest weapons and the drugs I had been hoarding.

His view was, I feel, uneducated. He hadn't spent time in the area but he was so driven.. so.. hellbent on ridding any rivalry. That Enclave transmission from the President just came rushing back. I had to do something.

EDIT: And I know, I'm not roleplaying it very well having hindsight of the occurrences in Washington. My character had no prior knowledge but Piper was standing RIGHT there, I had to show her I'm a man of substance!

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:35 am

Now that I think about it how great would it be to have a disillusioned and wiser Arthur Maxson as a companion in FO5? Grizzlier and more cynical than ever before because he either ended up excommunicated or went into self-imposed exile because the BoS has lost faith in him after the Prydwen's Fall. In FO5 he'll be a lot less "shoot first, questions later" and the PC can decide either to prop him up as Elder again to reforge a fractured and corrupt BoS or solidify his disillusionment in the BoS and leave them to their fate.

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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:21 am

I hope so. I really like the character.

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Tiff Clark
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:22 am

If he comes back, he'd better be a Synth or part of some weird time travel/portal shenanigan because he ded to me.

In essence I find the use of the Citadel Broken Steel argument to be a non-point. Yes, it was a choice we could make. However, Fallout 3 did not play the multi-faction dichotomy in regards to the ending. You really could not join the Enclave in Fallout 3 or support their ideals, with the exception of following Eden's directive of poisoning the purifier and blowing up the Citadel from a terminal, all of which were so poorly and haphazardly implemented it makes my teeth hurt.

When you have four factions in the major questline, any of whom the major players can die respectively during the course of said quest, I believe they should be gone. Done. They've played their part.

No, I do not care if there is "potential" for fleshing out, or more stories that could be told around that character.

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Nany Smith
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:59 pm

I dont want him in future Fallout titles. He's a poorly written character without strong personality.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:52 am

We must've seen different Maxsons, then. His primary mission in this game is being anti-Institute, and sees synths as tools of their creators. It's a perfectly valid point, as not everyone has our privilege of having multiple synth friends. All the news from the Commonwealth is that the Insititute and Synths are killing and replacing people, Danse has personal reports that brought the flagship in to begin with... he's working with the very valid intelligence he gots.

But Blind Betrayal... he wants Danse executed for being an Institute weapon, and you think he's going to be the heartless zealot that the forums hate him for. Yet he can still see reason, that Danse is Danse, and offers him the mercy of exile.

You saw a poorly written character without a strong personality. I saw a strong leader pushing for the success of his mission, who was just given reason to doubt himself. Danse he let live, because even he knows he's not that heartless. And if he's given the benefit of the doubt to one Synth... if we do ever see Maxson again, I dearly hope they take a peaceful Blind Betrayal resolution as canon. There's an Elder who did what he had to do for the safety of mankind, but now has doubts and regrets lingering in the back of his mind. Does an older Maxson change his policies to repent for his necessary sins? Does he become a hollow shell, pushing his agendas when he knows there are innocents at risk?

Best part is that a Brotherhood ending need not be taken to get this far. He could live, and still leave room for other victories.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:45 am

So says the Wiki:

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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:41 am

I think the BoS ending should be made canon going forward, so yes. Also he is the last living relative of Roger Maxson, do you really think Bethesda has the guts to let him die over the course of one game?

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:21 pm

What? He is extremely well written. I actually believed abit of the bigotry non-sense he spouted. Also he had charisma coming out of every pore! Going through the Prydwen you hear the loyalty his soldiers has for him, and he joins the assault on the Institute. He is the last of the Maxson bloodline and he is on the front with a freaking Gatlin Laser, much respect.

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:36 am

I agree. I think he's one of the best written characters I've come across in a video game. Actually, all the BOS characters are very well done, and many others outside the BOS as well. I can tell they put a lot more effort into the characters this this time around. The only characters I feel are a bit out of place are Garvey and his crew from Concord. Garvey just comes across as really naive to me, and don't even get me started on Sturges.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:05 am

If Elder Maxson ordered me to follow him to the Gates of Hell, I'd be the first one to kick them open.

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:15 am


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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:11 am

I'll admit, he made me rethink my stance on synths. I'm not sure the synths in this game are as human as some androids in other sci-fi settings, so it's hard to really tell. But I can't stand authoritarianism.

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