Am I the only person who'd like to see more of these titles? The TES setting is a very interesting one, but the emphasis on open world gameplay makes certain aspects suffer a bit. Namely, story and characterization. With so many NPCs going about, with the "do anything you want" element emphasized so much that it necessitates a blank slate of a main character, it makes formation of a traditional three-act plot and meaningful interactions between characters rather difficult.
Redguard had an interesting story and was able to explore a different period of TES history than other titles did. There's so much potential for the exploration of lore and slice-of-life bits for mundane citizens. And, of course, a nice story is always appreciated. I really don't see them as a failed experiment, just something that needs more work.
It's not likely that we'll see any more of them, but still, it's something to mull over. Thoughts?