When the Lord of the Rings movies came out I didn't care for it, science fiction was my genre, not fantasy, and I didn't get the whole point of hobbits and elves and other things that were basically humans but slightly altered in appearance (this was always my biggest beef with Star Trek). The plot about the ring and other things happening in the story didn't move me either, although I've always liked Gimli and Gollum.
Anyway... getting off topic. After having played the Elder Scrolls and other RPG's, videogames have been the major exception for my interest in the fantasy genre. Recently I had the chance to watch The Hobbit again, something I remember from my childhood, and being in a fantasy mood from playing Oblivion so much I felt like watching the LOTR movies again for the heck of it.
Well, I was surprised by how many things in Middle Earth reminded me of things in Tamriel. Now just magic and elves but things like mithril, which I remember seeing in Final Fantasy as well but when I saw the mithril Frodo wore it looked just like the armor in Oblivion. In fact after looking it up it seems it was Tolkien's invention but it was never trademarked. Even the weapons the elves use look the same, golden and curvy in appearence. The idea about Orcs having been elves once was also present in the Elder Scrolls (orismer or corrupted elves, right?), and dwarves and goblins being related. Mordor totally reminds me of Dagoth Ur, I don't think I need to go into detail about why, and Sauron and Dagoth Ur themselves are a "great evil" from the past that came back to threaten the world. There were so many other things but I can't remember them now.
I don't know, like I said fantasy is not my genre so these might just be common elements in all high/epic fantasy. The similarities just struck me, and I think because of the Elder Scrolls I enjoyed LOTR a lot more. There are major differences of course, for instance Elder Scrolls seems to focus on elves a lot more , not being immortal but common and numerous, with many different types, etc.
If this is in the wrong forum just move it, thanks.