I returned to Oblivion after many months on a friend's computer today -- just to see the graphics on the Imperial Orrery expansion (which isn't installed on my computer). I was amazed. Brought back memories of playing Myst when I was a kid. I also remembered a moment many years ago while playing the Tribunal expansion on Morrowind. A Dwemer sword was to be repaired and the story required getting in touch with a Dwemer engineer (aren't they all) called Stungthung (or something similar) who looked at the magical sword-blade and said (paraphrased) "Well, I'm not sure about magical flames and all that jazz... You want a burning sword? Find me some tar." You then have to climb your way down to hell and find him a bottle of tar... And what does he do? He takes the tar, smears it on the blade and sets it afire!!! Lo and behold! A flaming blade, Dwemer style. As a chemical engineer, I LOVED it. Here I was playing a fantasy RPG and there's this character, an entire race, of fantastical engineering geeks in it. I remember spending many minutes looking at Dwemer machines when I first played Morrowind and sorely missed them in Oblivion -- the Dwemer armour in Morrowind looked better too.
Right then... So here I am pleading with gamesas to set the next Elder Scrolls world among the Dwemer. Let's have enormous machines that belch out ghastly amounts of choking, gagging steam; fight steam centurions that have become "self-aware"; travel around the world in mechanical silt-striders; have gadgets that Rube Goldberg would create when stoned batty; deactivate Dwemer steam-bombs; rebuild Gatekeepers with steam-powered legs; build and use hissing, spitting, groaning, asthmatic, grampus-like jetpacks to levitate; more characters like Yagrum Bagarn and Baladas "A few more centuries of study and I'll get to the bottom of this" Demnevanni and Diwayth "I clone my own chicks" Fyr and... I could go on...
Dwemer. Dwemer. I want Dwemer. Or should I saw "we". Anybody else feels the same?