Elder Scrolls VI return of the forgotten race
cross a mountain you find the endangered race of bird people
sworn to be killed off in ancient times by imperials nords and all alike.
2 choices kill off race or world domination by bird people
venture in between ( name of parent land here ) which is a separate mountain island and Tamriel
do side quests from people all across tamriel and (new land)
son of the dragon born Odaahving promises to protect you and take you anywhere then you fly across ocean and find bird people island that way.
Imported saves if you did important side quests and joined the imperials in skyrim and defeat the storm cloaks there is no remnants of the rebellion and Imperials own all of their previous locations. You can join up with the few storm cloaks left and make a treaty that if they help the bird people both storm cloak and bird people can rule tamriel together.
If you joined the storm cloaks and killed off the Imperials you can join up with the imperial remnants and kill the bird people and the storm cloaks but you have less allies
join up the ranks of either side and make a meeting and either kill off all major people in the army or choose allies and kill off the third party (which is the bird people or the imperials or storm cloaks depending you choose)