Elder Scrolls online etymology

Post » Fri May 16, 2014 9:08 pm

Khenarthi khan -lord, prince (Mongolian) + ???? artha -wealth (Sanskrit)

Auridon Lat. aurum -gold + Gr. eidos -shape (in words id)

Buraniim isle to burn + Lat. anima -soul

Tanzelwill Ger. tanz -to dance + Heb. el -god + will

Grahtwood Ger. grat -edge + wood

Cormount Lat. cor, cordis -heart + mons, montis -mountain

Gil-Var-Delle Sp. gil -naive, innocent + ver, vera -to be (Old Norse) + delete

Laeloria ??? (lāl) -red (Hindi) + or -gold (French)

Ossuary of Telacar Heb. ???? tel -hill + Lat. acus -needle

Mobar mine Lat. mors, mortis -death + Gr. βαρ?? barys -heavy

Ne salas Lat. ne -not + solus -alone, uninhabited

Tarlain heights It. tarlo -woodworm, torment

Marbruk Lat. mors, mortis -death + brook

Verrant morass Lat. verro, verrere -to scraqe, to sweep, to hide

Hectahame Gr. 'εκατ?ν hecaton -hundred + Lat. hamus -hook or hame -home (Scots)

Carac Dena car -emperor (Slavic) + Lat. ac -of, related to + deni, dena -ten each

Gurzag's mine Heb. ????? gur -a cub, pup, kitten + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make

Naril nagaia Ar. nār -fire + Lat. il -of, related to + ne -not + Gr. gaia -earth

Rulanyil's fall to rule + any

Pelda tarn pelt

Arananga Lat. arare -to plough + anger

Lanolda pond Lat. lana -wool + Ger. alt -old

Malabal Tor Lat. malus, mala -bad, evil + bal -lord (Phoenician) + Ger. tür -door

Silvenar Lat. silva -forest + en -of, related to + arium -place suffix

Dra'bul dra -to pull, to drag (Norwegian) + bull

Vulkwasten wolk -cloud (Dutch) + to waste

Abamath Heb. ??? ab -father, ancestor + Gr. mathein -to learn

Belarata Lat. bellum -war + Jp. 新た arata -new

Ilayas ruins ili -god (Semitic), Heb. el -god + ya? -age (Turkish)

Jathsogur jatten -to nick, to steal (Dutch) + s?gur, saga -story (Icelandic)

Ouze ouze -mud (UK dialectal)

Xylo river basin Gr. ξ?λον xylon -wood

Ragnthar It. ragno -spider + tar

Alik'r desert Lat. alius -other + ic -of, related to

Aldunz Ger. alt -old + uns -us, we

Alezer Kotu ale + Ger zer- destruction suffix + It. cotto -cooked

Na-Totambu's landing na -not + Lat. totus -all + ambulare -to walk

Rkulftzel reek + alf, alfr -elf (Old Norse) + zeal

Satakalaam ?? (?atá) -hundred + ??? (kāla) -time or black (Sanskrit)

Bangkorai to bang + Lat. cor, cordis -heart

Kerbol's hollow kerb -edge between pavement + Lat. ol -little, small

Damar farmstead dammer or ??? (damar) -vein, blood vessel (Ottoman Turkish)

Viridian woods Lat. viridis -green

Halcyon lake hal -sound, healthy, whole (Old English) + Gr.κ?ων kyon -dog

Nilata ruins nil -nothing + at

Onsi's breath Jp. (おに) oni -ghost

Qharroa ruins Lat. quis -what + Gr. rhea -to flow

Pelin Lat. pello, pellere -to push, to drive, to strike + in -of, related to

Razak's wheel to raze + Lat. ac -of, related to

Torog's spite toro -bull (Spanish) + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make

Telesubi Gr. τηλε tele -far off + Lat. subire -to go under, to enter, to approach (sub -under + ire -to go)

Ash'abah's oasis ash + Heb. abba -father

Gjarma's rock Heb. garmi -bony

Silaseli ruins Fr. silas, siler -to whistle + Heb. el -god

Strastnoc's landing strast -passion (Slavic) + Lat. nox, noctis -night

Yanurah yan -one + Lat. urere, ustus -to burn

Eyearata eye + Jp. 新た arata -new

Carzog's demise car -emperor (Slavic) + Ger. herzog -duke

Moriseli Lat. mors, mortis -death + Heb. el -god

Glenumbra glen -mountain valley + Lat. umbra -shadow

Aldcroft Ger. alt -old + croft

Silumm silence + Ar. umm -mother

Mesanthano Gr. meso -middle + anthos -flower

Par Molag molag -fire from immolate + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make

Lorkrata hills lore + Gr. kratein -to rule

Erokii Lat. erus -master + ki -earth (Sumerian)

Alcaire castle alcohol + air

Farangel Ger. fahren -to travel, drive + angel

Koeglin Ger. k?nig -king + ling or lin -pool

Nurin farm Ar. nur -light + Lat. in -of, related to

Stros M'Kai Gr. aster, astros -star + Ger. kai -wharf

Bthzark Heb. beth -house + Lat. arcere -to protect

Loriasel lore + Heb. el -god

Ten-maur-Wolk Jp. ten -sky + wolk -cloud (Dutch)

Zuuk Gr. ζω? zoe -life + Lat. ac -of, related to

Arx Corinium Lat. arx -fortress + cor, cordis -heart

Atanaz ruins Sp. ata?er -to concern

Gandranen ruins gandr -staff (Old Norse)

Onkobra Jp. (おに) oni -ghost + cobra

Hei-Halai hei -black (Chinese) + Fr. haler -to haul, tow

Bal Foyen bal -lord (Phoenician) or bal -stone + foy -faith (Middle French)

Dhalmora dale + Jp. mori -forest

Fort Zeren Ger. zer- destruction suffix + en -of, related to

Malak's Maw Ar. malik -king

Shad Astula shade + Lat. as, assis -copper coin + fero, tuli -to bear, to carry

Tal'Deic fortress Ger. tal -dale, valley + Lat. deus -god + ic -of, related to

Bthanual Heb. beth -house + Lat. annum -year + al -of, related to

Mzithumz Jp. mizu -water + Ger. turm -tower

Druitularg's ritual Gr. drus -oak or druid + large

Mabrigash mabe -gape (Danish) + gash

Avayan's farm Lat. avis -bird + eye

Berezan's mine It. bere -to drink + Jp. zan -to cut

Fort Arand Lat. ara -altar + andus, anda -ing suffix

Fort Virak Lat. vir -husband, hero + ac -of, related to

Iliath temple ili -god (Semitic), Heb. el -god + oth -plural suffix

Lukiul Uxith Lat. lux, lucis -light + ul -little, small + ox + Heb. oth -plural suffix

Mephala Gr. Mephisto + Lat. al -of, related to

Halmaera's house Gr. hals -salt + Lat. mare -sea

Ammabani's pride Lat. amo, amare -to love + bane

Wittestadr witten -to whiten, to bleach (Dutch) + Ger. stadt -city, town

Mal Sorra's tomb Lat. malus, mala -bad, evil + to be sorry

Harlun's watch har -sound of laughter or hare + Lat. luna -moon

Anga anger

Belda Lat. bellum -war + da, do, dare -to give

Alit Lat. alo, alere, alitum -to feed, to nourish

Kagouti Jp. kage -shadow + out

House Dres dress or Lat. tres -three

House Hlaalu ??? (lāl) -red (Hindi)

Khajit Lat. caio, caiare, caiatus -to beat, to thrash (kajare)

Kwama to quarry -to mine stone + Lat. amo, amare -to love

Xivilai Gr. ξ?νο? (xenos) -foreign, strange + vile

Pelani Lat. pello, pellere -to push, to drive, to strike + an -of, related to (invaders)


Skyrim etymology: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1468980-skyrim-etymology/

Morrowind etymology: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1194937-morrowind-etymology/


Oblivion etymology: http://forums.uesp.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16628


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JUan Martinez
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