We all know that ESO will charge us for 15 bucks a month.Will there be a deal like 5 buck per month if you buy 1 year subscription?
We all know that ESO will charge us for 15 bucks a month.Will there be a deal like 5 buck per month if you buy 1 year subscription?
I'm sure there be a deal of some sort, but more like 9.99/month for 12 months.
Not that I know of.
It is just straight up $15 on PC/Mac and PS4, $15+LIVE fee on Xbox One.
They probably will offer a discount if you buy subscription in "bulk" so to speak. At the lowest I'd guess about $10 a month if you buy a whole year.
Nothing confirmed yet though.
Thise who preorder get the first month for free, apart from that I don't think there's been much else said
Do you have a link? I might consider ESO now if there is gonna be a discount (I know you said the sum hasn't been shown yet).
Can we pay for multiple months at once? I don't need any more direct debits to worry about.
I would assume so that is pretty much the standard for a sub based MMO. Every one I have ever played offered a cost per month that auto-renewed and a discount in paying bulk usually like 3,6 and 12 month packs.
Just a slight correction to prevent confusion, everyone who buys the game gets a month free, regardless of whether they preorder or not.
Preorders get 5 days free on top of that (early access).