First I'll be in Denial. I wont accept that we'll have no TESV!
Then I'll be Angry. I'll rant on the forums about getting my TESV!
Then I'll try Bargaining. I'll promise to build 7 churches of Akatosh for the release of TESV
Then I'll be in Depression. I'll stop caring, and go play Morrowind in a corner.
Then I'll be in Acceptance, and accept that I'm never going to play TESV.
I believe it's 12 steps. Not four. But your a God, why should I judge you.
Oh and if there would be no TESV I would do this: :brokencomputer: This: :flamethrower: Then This: :banghead: And This: :swear: And Maybe This: :ahhh: Then This: :gun: This:

And Finally This :sleep2:
(And then I would revert back to reading all day long- :read: )