So with elder scrolls online. What would be the point of returning to Daggerfall or anywhere? You'll have access to all that with ESO.
Location: The land of the dragons (akaviri).
You have up to 4 player co op. You play the Neravarine once again, and your co op buddies play your crew members.
Wy Neravarine? Because WE WERE the Neravarine.
Who would the co op people play? Perhaps Nerevarine gets split into 4 at some point. Maybe others play dragonborn and whoever else there could be. Maybe others just play some copy of Nerevarine which was the result of some Ultimate conjuration spell. Where each Nerevarine is from a seperate universe.
Now it should be the entire continent of Akaviri too. Maybe it gets split up into islands. Why?
Because this allows for naval combat and naval stuff.
Story? Well, perhaps your ship crashes, and you're frozen for a little while. Then you're uncovered with your "clones"(this is where you edit your character).
But after that. There should be no more main story. THe main story are the main stories you discover in each area. The game becomes more about that awesome sense of discovery we have in between main stories in Skyrim or the other games.
And with the power of the next gen. Open worlds, where there are no load screens between houses and cities and whatnot. None. Levitation returns along with things like Mountain climbing.
We've all climbed mountains. But not because it was a skill. Because it was us exploiting the game. So they make it an offical skill.
Now all of us were impressed when every bottle and peice of food moved in Oblivion. But now we are even more impressed by how every table, chair and house and come crumbling down. Destruction baby.