Hello Skyrim lovers and developers! While playing skyrim and having nothing to do, I thought of an amazing idea for a DLC! This DLC includes the "ancient dwemer". As a DLC, the dragon born can reveal what happened in the past with the dwemer, such as going into the past through an ancient portal or be in first person view of a "dwarf". This could be similar to the Dragon Born DLC where you go to another realm and play through it. Also, this would help players understand what happened to the dwemer or even the Snow Elves and why they transformed into the twisted falmer. Having this DLC in Skyrim would get players to keep playing then to wait forever until the next elder scrolls game. Do you think this is a cool or even exciting story line? Do you think it would be cool to have this as a DLC? please comment below your opinions! thanks!
- Astrooni (Pat)