um...i ...dont know what to say but repost when your 80
One of the Suicide Girls had a good comment for people who think like this. "When I'm 80, I'm going to be just as wrinkly as you, only more interesting."
People get a lot of trashy, meaningless tattoos. Barbed wire, tribal stuff from tribes they don't belong too, kanji, all of it. I'd include hearts and roses, but those have a history, and just because they're common doesn't mean they don't have a place, but if you can do a unique handcrafted design, rather than some flash which looks like it came out of a 25c machine, that's better. Something unique is a totally different story.
Video game tattoos are pretty dorky, but it says a lot about who you are. Nevermind that something like the Akatosh symbol (or Akaviri banner, depends who you ask) is like a secret handshake for TES fans, and not like a Mario tattoo, everyone else will just go "Sweet dragon!" and if they care enough to ask about it, won't care that it's from a video game.
I've been considering getting a tattoo of the for a long time now. I don't know if I will, but it's pretty cool looking.
See, THAT'S a cool symbol which few people could tell came from a video game. It's just a cool piece of art, a nice, symmetrical monochromatic piece (my favorite kind) It's just a good piece of art, and if it reminds you of something you love, all the better.