I can see a little bit of Gladiator in Dova, so I wouldn't disappointed if Russell Crowe played the character.
But in general, I wouldn't mind a TES movie. Anyone who doesn't, don't go see it then

Problem solved.
I'm well aware that games-to-movies don't exactly have the best track record. Seriously, though, look at the list of movies derived from games. Street Fighter? Mortal Kombat? Super Mario Bros.? Not exactly the best of choices, unless they were trying to exploit name recognition to make a quick buck. Still, the reason they fail is the same as why any movie fails; Poor writing, weak plot, bad acting, low budget? The problem, in my opinion, is that the studios base the movie on the plot of the game. What was the plot of Mortal Kombat again? The plots of most of the games made into movies are shallow at best, and can be fully summarized in a few lines on page 1 of the manual. That leaves quite a bit of artistic license to B-list producers, directors, writers, and/or actors to flesh it out into an actual compelling story. Any wonder why they fail? They were Doomed to fail, pardon the pun.
TES could be a good movie because it already has pre-existing depth. Not just with the stories of the MQ's, but also with the lore that we've only read about. There's a deep resource pool to dip in to. Naturally, it would need some A-listers involved to make it a great movie, but it certainly has potential from the start.
At any rate, there are more on the way, and some of them might finally break through the horrendous stereotype and rival the comic book adaptations, which have seen much success. World of Warcraft will be coming to theaters, allegedly directed by Sam Raimi. Spider Man did halfway decent at the box office, didn't it? That has a shot to break the trend. Another in the works goes by the name of Mass Effect, rumored to be produced by the same people behind Spider Man and The Dark Knight. So that's another that could be big. Halo is also, maybe eventually, going to hit the big screen. Bioshock and Uncharted as well.
I think that there could be some successes in there, mainly because there's allegedly some proven people involved, and those games have depth in story. TES has the ingredients too, so why not?