Absolutely not. Where's that picture someone had around here of Morrowind as an MMO? There's all the reason I need...
"Sell Wraithguardzz cheep! lol!"
Yeah, "If they captured the feel of TES," right- no matter how well it's captured, a couple of the inevitable goldspammers would svck the "TES-ness" right out of it.
"MMORIPOFFS.COM, 100,000 Septimz just $3.50 USD!"
hell no I wouldn't play an Elder Scrolls MMO. Noway, nohow.

There is only one MMO that I will ever play and that is Everquest. I play Elder Scrolls BECAUSE it is not an MMO. I've been there and done that and there is nothing they can do that woud impress me. While your at it, might as well pay to play Call of Duty online! So sick of all you pepole and your MMO talk. For the love of god just drop it!
Aww, its so cute when gamers get their panties into a twist. Cranky from your overloaded thanksgiving meal? :whistling: