If it is, what would you like to see? New mechanics? More in depth story?
A list of things I'd like to see

With the events of oblivion and skyrim, the champion and the dragonborn had different paths they could take, mainly the dragon born being more varied, like the storm cloaks and imperials and grey beards and blades. Mabye on the new game we can pick what happened in the past affecting game play. Like what guilds they were apart of, what race they are, for instance the dragborn was a dark elve, could earn a lot more respect for their race. And dungeon quests visting there burial grounds and phat loot

Cross skills
Crossing skills over, im always a battle mage/spell sword, my favourite school being restoration because of the rapage on undead. Id like to see spells being casted while using a weapon, like simple idea of stabbing your sword in the ground and everything goes a blaze. Shooting magical arrows, casting spells by pointing your sword out, but the idea is making hybrid skills for all skills at high level.
Dragon shouts
As they mentioned anyone can learn dragon shouts, and also mentioned it was a type of magic, so mabye it could come back as a new school of magic.
Acient races return
As I belive in mer master race I would love nothing more than a few splinter faction of snow elves, dwemmer and alyieds return. And the new hero can help restore them as a known race as dawngaurd gave us a little taste on this.
Oblivion planes
I would personally like to have more access there, killing deadra or more in depth alligances with them instead of you got my artifact good for you. Would also like some interation with the aedra and nine divine.
Factions and guilds
Theres need to be more factions and guilds you can join, also make there storys longer like oblivion. Return mages guild and fighters guild. Would also love to see the companions and a new college. Also evil faction such as mythic dawn and other deadra groups. Stendarr would be nice as well. Would love to see a thalmor and dominion group.
Multiple countrys
As well as our new location, we should be able to access places like morrawind and skyrim, next gen should a llows us to do this platform wise.
Theres more but I don't want to go on, as I don't want to bore, sorry for my english and what would you guys like to see?