Elder Scrolls a 40 Year old perspective...

Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:24 pm

Oh man I remember my first experience with an epic game, Zelda A Link To The Past on super NES. Now when I look back I can't believe how far we are now with games. I am 24 and I remember Nintendo and PS1. I read a lot of books so I love being immersed in story's. I cant wait until Skyrim.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:38 pm

59 and in the last two years I have played COD: W@W, MW2, Black Ops and Battlefield Bad Company 2 in a clan, Starcraft 2, replayed Crysis and Crysis: Warhead then Crysis 2, replayed Portal then Portal 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Left 4 Dead 2, Mass Effect 1 and 2 three times each. Supreme Commander 2, Fallout 3 with mods three times with all the DLCs, Fallout: New Vegas with mods twice, Oblivion with all DLC and tons of mods for the 6th time.

I build my own computers and need a 2x74 GB Raptor RAID 0 array just to hold my Steam folder.

And I started out with pong and Atari and a Radio Shack color computer writing basic code saved to a cassette tape. I went through an engineering college with a slide rule (no calculators yet) and telephones had a rotary dial came in black and weighed two pounds.

So when kids complain that the graphics ain't so good or the AI svcks, I laugh and think about how many hours I played Wolfenstein 3D or Basic ASCII Star Trek and enjoyed it.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:45 pm

Yea, I found a topic close to my heart!! I just turned 40 and my husband is almost there. He grew up with Mario and the only game I was ever allowed to be exposed to was a racing game on the family Pc (maybe why I am drawn to Forza) . Seven years a go we started gaming and both of us are insane now! :)
Morrowind was my first TES experience and it helped blast my way into the gaming world! Oblivion was my husband's first.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:49 am

I am almost 40...in fact 3 days before Skyrim comes out is my 40th birthday. I started playing video games back in the 70s on Intellivision and Atari 3600. Then, by the early 80s on Colecovision. Then by 84, started playing games on Commodore 64. My favorite back then was a game called Jumpman. I stayed with C-64 games until the late 80s....went on to PCs as they evolved. I firts played Arena in 1995. Then in 96 or 98, whenever it came out, I was taken in by Diablo, and then Diablo 2. Stayed playing that until 2004, when I rediscovered the Elder Scrolls with Morrowind. Kept on that until Oblivion came out in 2006, Finally got bored of Oblivion just this past February and bought Fallout 3. Just recently, I became tired of that and reverted back to Diablo 2...a game I have not played in about 7 years. I am eagerly awaiing Skyrim on Triple Elevensies.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:46 pm

That's a awesome thread!
You nice veterans gamers older than me helped me to feel a bit less guilty of still wanting to play video games at 30 y.o.
With a 1.5 old baby at home and full time work, it's more and more difficult to have time to think about entertainment...
I'm not an addicted video gamer, but I really enjoy to play a good session time to time.

So I'll play at night during weekends in the next november.
It's good to know and read other guys having responsibilites still listening to their "inner boy" and play as they ever did.

(english is not my native language)
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