I recently enchanted my legendary daedric swords with both frost and shock damage. I was really excited for the extra damage (as one should be), because I had spent a lot of time leveling my enchanting skill to 100 to get the biggest damage increase I could. Upon finishing my enchantments, I saved the game and decided to test out my newly buffed weapons on the people of Whiterun. I quickly noticed that I was not seeing any of the highly entertaining kill animations I was getting fairly regularly with the swords before I enchanted them. And to be perfectly honest, I am very disappointed with that. The only reason I can think of that would cause this to happen is:
The kill animations happen when the game registers critical weapon damage, but the elemental enchantment damage registers first, so if that kills your enemy, no weapon damage is to be had. Thus, no kill animation.
Is anyone else having the same thing happen?
If so, I really hope that gets patched. Having stronger weapons is obviously a priority, but it would be nice to also see the kill animations with them.
Oh, and the sneak attack (throat slitting) animation with daggers still works if they're enchanted with elemental damage. *sigh*