Elemental Resistances and Dragons

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:30 am

From what I understand, it just doesn't have any effect anymore. 0% reduction.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:20 pm

All of them are. Same as all of the trash mobs. easily predictable.

fly around hilltop/mountainside blasting mobs below while swooping around.

land on rooftop and blast away at townsfolk. take to flight after a few breath attacks.

land on ground, stomp forward, if in range, bite, shake and release. take some damage, take to flight.

What I'm saying is, I've yet to have a dragon, in it's last attempt before taking off leaving itself wide open, is grab me with it's claws, take to flight....and drop me to my death.

You're confusing the AI with scripted events. I can easily predict Bandits, too; because the AI is simplistic. :rolleyes:

Being killed by an execution move from a dragon only happens if it hits you for damage beyond a certain threshold of your total HP; as with all NPC executions. I've only had a dragon perform such attacks on me twice, and it was very early on in the game.
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Rach B
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:21 am

Use the Whirlwind Sprint shout! You'll close the distance fast.

Good idea. But unfortunately they were on a platform a set of stairs above me. I had to lure them to come after me zigzag stile. :/
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Angus Poole
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:43 am

You're confusing the AI with scripted events. I can easily predict Bandits, too; because the AI is simplistic. :rolleyes:

Being killed by an execution move from a dragon only happens if it hits you for damage beyond a certain threshold of your total HP; as with all NPC executions. I've only had a dragon perform such attacks on me twice, and it was very early on in the game.

not confused at all. the AI is scripted events for dragons. every battle will play out the way I just posted. until you get one of those dragons that no matter what you do, can't get aggro on them..
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Miss K
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:34 am

What exactly is broken about magic resistance ? It doesnt reduce any damage anymore ? It only reduce a small portion of dmg ?

It doesn't have any effect anymore, 0% reduction. A Nord is as vulnerable to ice as an Imperial or an Ice Attronach, and magic resist armor/potions have no effect.

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Eric Hayes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:37 am

OP actually thought he was on /v/ and tried to green text. What a colossal tool and confirmed underage child.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:00 pm

>All week, people complain about Dragons being too easy.

>Patch comes out, breaks player resistances, and dragons become tougher opponents.

>People complain that dragons are too hard.

I didn't see anyone complaining dragons are to hard. Resistance broken, I believe is a fact now and complains about it are more than normal.
Show me a single post complaining dragons are to hard (which is not from a player willing to adventure further even with the broken patch but really can't because of this)
People stop those kind of posts and deal with the complains individually, some are well intended and some are trolls. You are just taking the madness to the next level like this.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:17 am

Ah but remember the biggest help you have against a dragon, any medium sized object that can block their shouts. You could kill ancient dragons with a bow at level 1 if you were patient enough ha.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:16 am

It doesn't have any effect anymore, 0% reduction. A Nord is as vulnerable to ice as an Imperial or an Ice Attronach, and magic resist armor/potions have no effect.


Oh WOW , i cant believe it, im almost wishing that it's fake.. how can they break it that bad, not test it and yet release the patch...
Can only hope that it's gonna be fixed by the time they release the pc patch...

Still that doesnt make dragon's harder OP, u can interupt all dragon's breaths already with shield bash/power attack or even one word dragonrend wich has a low cd.
It will make the game harder on master in a room filled with spellcasters tho.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:16 pm

not confused at all. the AI is scripted events for dragons. every battle will play out the way I just posted. until you get one of those dragons that no matter what you do, can't get aggro on them..

And like I said, using that logic, all Bandits are also scripted because they will fight the same way every time, too. :shakehead:

Dragons don't always land on buildings. Nor do they always do bombing run passes. These things are just part of their AI package and can mixed and matched with other behaviors.

If you expected them to have real artificial intelligence, and be as unpredictable as a real life human/creature, then I think you need to understand what exactly AI is capable of with today's technology.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:46 pm

This ^

I've never been so thankful for a large christmas tree, standing between me and a fiery death.

Or an abandoned ruined shack after running for two Stamina bars across a completely open and defenseless tundra of ice.

Poor thing was covered in ice burns by the time that Frost Dragon was dead. :P
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:55 am

And like I said, using that logic, all Bandits are also scripted because they will fight the same way every time, too. :shakehead:

Dragons don't always land on buildings. Nor do they always do bombing run passes. These things are just part of their AI package and can mixed and matched with other behaviors.

If you expected them to have real artificial intelligence, and be as unpredictable as a real life human/creature, then I think you need to understand what exactly AI is capable of with today's technology.

It could have at least had few more scripted events. When I can make an /afk macro in 2 min to fight just about any mob, that should tell you about the AI, pathing exploits and how none of it was tested properly.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:52 pm

I love when people make wierd ass unrealistic claims like that. What do you want? A cookie?

Here's a digital pat on the back. :)

Good job, kid.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:44 am

I love when people make wierd ass unrealistic claims like that. What do you want? A cookie?

Here's a digital pat on the back. :)

Good job, kid.

If you are replying to me? What do I want? I want what I paid for. A triple-A title that delivers.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:55 am

It could have at least had few more scripted events. When I can make an /afk macro in 2 min to fight just about any mob, that should tell you about the AI, pathing exploits and how none of it was tested properly.

Dragons have the most complicated AI packages in the game!

Every other mob has 3. THREE! "Search for player, attack player, run from player."

Dragons have at LEAST 5: Land on building and attack. Bombing run attack. Hover and attack. Land on ground and attack. Crash on death if killed in air.

Yeah, I know that you want totally realistic AI. You, me, and every scientist/programmer/robotics expert on the planet want that too, bub. If it was possible, it would be done. But it's not possible. They do the best they can with what they got.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:17 am

dragon are still really weak...i can beat ancient dragon in 2 power moves with my dual daedric blade (189 normal damage on each + 25 frost and 25 burn) and i never ever play with resistance so for me it make the game more easy as they dont hav resistance neither.................oh and i play master difficulty level cause this game is weak............................................................
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Timara White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:21 pm

Yea, I was replying to you.

I totally agree that AI isn't as good as it could be. I've been saying this in countless threads. But [censored] claims like your macro nonsense: its just stupid. You kill all your credible complaints. Even if Bethesda were to read your posts, they'd immediately dismiss them because you can't bring your opinion forward without some boastful exageration.

It cracks me up when people think they can bring their point across with that kind of nonsense.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:56 am

Every other mob has 3. THREE! "Search for player, attack player, run from player."

you forgot the one where if you knock their HP down to almost zero, they will crawl away claim defeat/asking for mercy, HP regen kicks in, and they come right back at you. Some mobs have a slight change up though. specifically draghers or however their name is spelled.

@ above poster. lol. ok then.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:54 pm

you forgot the one where if you knock their HP down to almost zero, they will crawl away claim defeat/asking for mercy, HP regen kicks in, and they come right back at you.

That is just the "run away from player" package.

Granted, it svcks compared to the same package from Fallout 3 and New Vegas, or even Oblivion, where if they run away, they would run really far away and cower until you chased them down or left the area for them to despawn. It would be pretty cool though if, like with NPCs you brawl in taverns, humanoid mobs you make yield could swear allegiance to you and become followers.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:51 am

That is just the "run away from player" package.

Granted, it svcks compared to the same package from Fallout 3 and New Vegas, or even Oblivion, where if they run away, they would run really far away and cower until you chased them down or left the area for them to despawn. It would be pretty cool though if, like with NPCs you brawl in taverns, humanoid mobs you make yield could swear allegiance to you and become followers.

Not to spoil it for anyone, but some actually can be beat and then can be used as companions/mercs for hire. just not randoms. I haven't used many spells/scrolls but yeah, some randoms can be turned for a short bit.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:09 pm

dragon are still really weak...i can beat ancient dragon in 2 power moves with my dual daedric blade (189 normal damage on each + 25 frost and 25 burn)

Not saying one way is better than the other, just throwing out some contrast.

I fought my first Ancient with Dawnbreaker, improved to ~70 damage +10 fire.
(Oh, and Light Armor, total a bit under 400 armor rating.)

Somwhat different experience than you describe. :tongue:

(I've since found a Daedric sword in a chest. Used one of the handful of Smithing potions I've found, plus the two Smithing bonus armors that I looted, and managed to upgrade it to Legendary, 103 damage. And I enchanted it with 1 second Soul Trap.)
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:45 am

it's a dragon breathing fire/frost at you.

if that doesn;t scream "get outa the way or your dead" then not much else should
your meant to take cover against dragon breath attacks not stand there while the breath warms you so you no longer need that mead your companion keeps asking for.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:58 pm

Except that breathing goes straight through most cover.

Often times you're fighting dragon on open ground with no immeditate cover.

Melee fighters don't necesserily have the luxury of cover. They have to sprint away, take damage while doing so, and by the time they sprint back, dragon's up in the air.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:28 pm

I usually try and lead the dragon to a populated area, depending on where I am, a Fort maybe or better yet a Giant's camp being careful not to get too close, I'm an archer to I try and keep my distance if possible and stay in sneak mode. As for taking advantage of any AI glitches like a previous post said I don't see the point of playing the game if I resort to a glitch to beat the dragons.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:45 pm

>All week, people complain about Dragons being too easy.

>Patch comes out, breaks player resistances, and dragons become tougher opponents.

>People complain that dragons are too hard.

And it looks like they also powered up Destruction magic at the same time.....
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