Destroyer of Worlds
Good Natured (I take this alot in my builds, my Malcolm rolled this and Kamikaze)
Stats would suggest a tough SOB of average strength and intelligence (he is well educated but I would not call him a genius). He is quick but not charismatic (only makes one friend in Mila Kunis...thanks Jackie, go find Kelso), and he is a lucky as well:
I have 1 point left to move around so thats up in the air as well
STR 5 (maybe 6 or...)
PER 4 (maybe 5 or...)
END 7 (maybe 8)
Tag skills would probably be Melee, Guns, and Survival with a later focus on Explosives (he builds an IED in that book), Repair (jury rig ftw), Medicine, Barter (not speech for RP reasons), and probably lockpick too (to get more phat lootz, no RP reasons here). I would think he doesn't sneak around much as that is a cowards way of doing things.
Perks for the Future in particular order:
Gifted (maybe END or STR)
Bloody Mess
Shotgun Surgeon
Commando (maybe)
Travel Light
Hand Loader
Jury Rig
Living Anatomy (he knows how to chop a limb off and how that affects the human condition)
Lifegiver (hes Eli dammit, a beacon of hope)
Unstoppable Force
Maybe Splash Damage and Demolitions Expert
He would carry weapon and armor wise a roving traders hat, authority glasses, light armors only, and would weild Gladius machete thing (liberator as an inbetween), 9mm>10mm>Maria>12.7mm and a shotgun (lever action or double barrely) and explosives of course.
Anyways, just ideas i'm tossing around. Any thoughts or feelings?