There's a potential for their being involved in border disputes ("the Nords of Skyrim are always involved in border disputes") and IIRC there's an Oblivion gate nearby, although I haven't recalled the conversation that mentioned it. Dagon's minions don't care about borders, so they're equally threatened from any that have opened over the border with Cyrodiil. My question for the assembled masses is what their relations would be like in 3E433? Would they consider the Daedra the greater enemy and unite against the common threat, or let the usual border bickering take the upper hand?
I'm just trying to add some consistent dialog for an NPC in an Oblivion mod who's come across from Falkreath to do some trades. There's an opportunity for him to express the wish that the Daedra sack Elinhir, or on the opposite tack, be glad that the invasion has settle the endless disputes by providing a common cause. I suppose I could go either way in any case, as it's just one person's opinion of the situation, but I'd like to get a sense of what the general population would think.