It will be an open city, because that's how I play. If you don't like it, tough, or wait until it is released and make it into a separate worldspace. It will be fully populated by appropriate, lore-ish type of NPCs, and will eventually involve some quests. At the moment no quests have been planned, but I will get to them. I aim for a first (BETA) release sometime around Christmas. This release will most likely include just the (completed) exterior and possibly some interiors with NPCs (no AI though) It will take a long time. I'm prepared for that, and fully understand that it will require an awful lot of work, and I don't need anyone telling me to start smaller, as I tell other people that enough:) Wait a couple of months for some progress before you berate me please

I plan to do this largely on my own, but if you really want to lend a hand, then wait till I have done the whole of the exterior of the city. I wouldn't mind some help with interiors later down the line, as I lack any significant flare for them. They also take me too much time. At the moment I don't need any interiors though.
Exterior - 16%
Interiors - 0%
NPCs - 0%
Quests - 0%
Here are some early WIPz screenshots of the town. Due to my not looking at the maps of tamriel people have made to replace the world map, my current version of Elinhir was shaped wrongly and positioned too far west, bot lore-wise and map wise. The following screens will only show the (WIP) retextures for the houses I will use.
Actual Elinihir: