Well, ideally Yacoby could conjure up some awesome-sauce and use his ES Search dataset to let us know what's on ElricM and not elsewhere. Yeah, y'know. Just like that
I do probably have info on a load of mods from elricm. It is really out of date though as the new parser for elricm is not enabled due to the amount of issues it was having when I was writing it (waking up to sort through 200 errors, 199 of which are from elricm and one important one is not fun).
I am ofc happy to make a database dump available.
With a list of missing mods we could upload somewhere. Question is where. Now, Fliggerty's Morrowind Mod History was designed for this sort of thing. Unfortunately, the plugin database there isn't indexed by ES Search
I do have a parser sorts for Fliggs site in ES Search v2, but I think there is a bug in it. ES Search 2 is in bits and I have no time for a couple of months. Fliggs site parse is a real must fix though so it will happen probably right after I put ES Search back together.
Makes me think that PES is the best place, it's known, it's stable for the foreseeable future (if the Fileplanet network goes down... it's be as if millions of [gamer] voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced) and it's indexed. Yeah, yeah TESNExus. Forgive me (euro-morrowind, TESMods, morrowind-mods.org...)
Although people find TESNexus a lot easier to use PES is the most stable. I still remember the points where TESSource (as it was then) was reguarly losing mods. Thankfully that isn't the case now but a site funded by a big organisation is to some extent going to be more reliable (although less likely to be responsive to requests for the file database on a dvd).
I think the key is to upload the mods to multiple sites, so maybe fliggs and pes? That way if this sort of thing happens again, which it will, we don't lose a load of mods.