This mod has gotten really big, probably too big. So, there will not be a main ELSWORLDS! mod, but rather a set of smaller mods (like an ELSEWORLDS! Armoury, separate race mods, and perhaps, eventually, add-ons). At this point my HD needs a good cleanup before I do anything concrete (like world building and adding in my custom tilesets and the like), so, for now, ELSEWORLDS! exists as a type of brandname (of sorts) associated with all of the "smaller" mods that I will soon be releasing. The reason that I want to release the smaller mods as they are is that I do not want to lose all of the hard work that I have put into this (due to an violent act of nature in which, fingers crossed against it, my compy gets fried or explodes into a million molten pieces of shattered modding sadness). One thing that I will not get to is the making of proper pets for sale out of all of the creatures that I have, so for now they will just be available as summoned spells, thus making them temporary companions (which, in the long run, should be fine for most players; Melisande's Menagerie will not be the same, though). So, while I have some free time ATM, I am fervently finishing up a few mods for release this weekend as well as touching up/filling up my sketchbook.
All for now
'Til Later :angel: