I have recently converted from OMODs to a BAIN-centric installation. In the process several issues cropped up that didn't exist with my old OMODesque install. One involves Elsweyr-Anequina distant-LOD files, in general and one LOD in particular.
I created my Anequina BAIN package from the Jan 2010 build, added Arthmoor's Jan Texture fixes, then capped it off with the July 2010 update. (The RAEVWD-Anequina addon is kept as a separate package.) When the package is installed its square is YELLOW, which is as it should be since Anequina overrides a few files in one mod and is in turn overridden by others (such as AWLS now that it has specific Elsweyr-Anequina compatibility). However, after several launches of Wrye Bash, the installer tab shows Elsweyr's square as RED. I must then Anneal-All, which converts it back to YELLOW. When RED, one file is listed as missing: \Distant LOD\Tamriel_-7_-45.lod. Annealing removes it from the missing tab. But as mentioned, it eventually goes missing again, until I re-anneal. Elsweyr-Anequina is my only BAIN package where such behavior occurs.
Oddly, the file in question doesn't appear in the actual game's \Distant LOD directory, at least not at the moment.
My first and main quest is, doesn't TES4LODgen create any and all needed Distant LOD files anyway, so that the Elsweyr-provided Distant LOD directory is unneeded and can be disposed of? Or is Elsweyr a special case and needs LODs that TES4LODgen can't generate? Relatedly, even if it does need special distance LODs, would they survive after running TES4LODgen? (My guess is that they don't since, as mentioned, I don't see the one in question in my game directory.)
My second question is, what is causing the file in question to go missing (in BAIN) in the first place? The file most definitely exists inside the BAIN package. It's likely disappearing in-game any time I run TES4LODgen, but would that affect package color?
Any insight into this matter is most appreciated.
Thanks for the ear!