Gonna answer your PM here, for another bump .
Remember the lore discussion about living Tsaesci in Rimmen and the authors statement, that all Akaviri left Tamriel long ago? My idea was to make some Akaviri, more precise, Tsaesci ghosts living in the city. In contrast to the ghost creatures these ones should be 'friendly' and 'normal' NPCs, fighting them is not allowed. TheTalkieToaster's latest genius tip to convert creatures to NPCs makes this much easier, no need to do a lot of new 'floating' anims for instance. As a ghost has no or not much lower body, the problem with the snake part would be solved too.
As I posted you, I tried to improve the Tsaesci lower body over the last two weeks, but still don't like the results. To get a 'real' snake look, the body has to be about twice as long as the vanilla Argonian tails. My first try was a 'blown up' argonian tail, but I didn't change the skeleton bones, only the mesh. Bad way, as the engine seems to look only for the bones, making the mesh going through the walls and everything around. Very ghosty ... although it is animated already this way and looks quite 'snaky'. Haven't installed Fraps yet, so I can't make a clip, may be later.
I'll try TheTalkieToaster's 'bone scaling' method now, but getting a nice looking body this way is more difficult as modifing the mesh itself. And my modding time is very limited these days. I'm to much playing the game, it's my first time with full FCOM, and then there's Side's ships to explore Onra's fantastisc new landscapes ... but of course I do a little bit modding 'work' every day. Only not as much as last month.
By the way: @Team, please cry out loud if you have something new to merge. No need to wait for me finishing this bad bloody snake monsters