As already announced by Johnn123, here's our first 'public' package.
And it's a special easter edition too. For sure you remember those Ayleid bird statues; well, rumours say this Ayleid birds actually live around Rimmen.
On this special time of the year they lay their crystal eggs everywhere in town (no, we don't have easter bunnies in Tamriel).
This eggs are quite valuable glowing crystals and a well know (Ayleid?) craftsman named MEO uses them for his famous Ayleid dishes. Or was it the other way around? Maybe the birds devor MEOs dishes and so their eggs look this strange way? Whatever is right, look for 12 eggs in Rimmen. Most of them are easy to spot ... and sell them quickly, they might vanish in the next update
Ok, lets get more serious: this mod is far, very far, from being finished. I even don't look on my todo list anymore, as it makes me depressive ...
So don't expect anything working; all you get is a first look, anythings still 'under construction'. Look for the map markers south of Bravil, and use fast travel, as there's no road so far.
If you got any installion problems, don't ask me for help. I'm still working on the castle, don't have much time for the forum. If it's obvious, that you didn't read the Readme.htm, I won't even look at your post
Speaking of the castle: I've tried to do an 'ancient looking' building with a golden dome and waterfalls on it's sides. Only one waterfall currently, which looks a little odd, but think I know a way to fix that.
Set up a new Blackwood subregion around the city to get appropriate bird sounds and weather.
Resources are packed as BSA file this time to ease installation. Added two patch ESPs, for details about them look in the Readme.
Upload site has a german only interface, but it don't has a wait punishment. Just look for the download button with the little green arrow:
Have fun and nice easter days!