The palace is as good as finished (interiors and far-meshes still missing)! Enjoy
That's looking fabulous! I really like the overall pyramid shape of the town. Its makes it very unique.

I'm not quite certain about the large central palace building. It feels a little too ostentatious and perhaps a bit too mosque-like for a khajiit town. I have avoided using buildings in a similar style that from DE's desert architecture set to try and keep Elsweyr looking fairly modest. Because it is usually portrayed in lore as one of the poorest provinces of the Empire -- a victim of slavers and so forth.
But at the same time it would be perfect for the province's central temple. I could create a separate enclosed valley worldspace beyond the mountains south of Dune, landscaped with pools and gardens -- perhaps a bit like the Taj Mahal -- and guarded by Senche-Tigers and leonine Pahmers.
I really love the design of the building, but I'm just not so sure its ideal for Dune.
What do you think?
Just stopped at King's Walk, and talked to Maduk. When I chose Elswyr as a subject, he said "Be careful of the wild Khajiit tribes of the wilds." That is kind of a repetitive use of the world 'wild'. Maybe you can change it to something like
Yes, some of the stuff could do with a rewrite. He's actually the elephant keeper, so he should really be warning you to watch out for wild elephants instead!
I have a question. There's this mod in tes nexus called the 'elsweyr and valenwood heightmap' ( which makes the landmasses of those countries fully explorable. Does this actually conflict with Anequina (I would think it would cause errors when it tried to interrupt where Iliana changed or will change the landscape)?
That was built as an extension to the landscape in my mod by Onra. So it needs to be loaded after the ElsweyrAnequina.esp. The land is empty though, there are no rocks or trees, etc.
Are all the quests complete, or do I just svck really bad at looking for things?
I meant like, were some things not complete or not done yet. But I think I just svck really bad at finding things, especially in a sand storm

Anyways, when I am done with my current mod (my large one anyhow) in a few months, I would like to add quests to this land/join your team.
No, the mod is still a WIP. Here is a list of the current quests with quest-givers and the ones I'm working on now.
If you are interested in making a quest mod for Elsweyr that would be fantastic. You could make it as a separate plug-in built on top of the Elsweyr mod and release it as your own, which would give you alot more freedom to do what you want. Its a fairly large area, there is lots of space to work with.