what do I need to do in order to do this? I want to make the mod dependent on yours. I make your mod into an ESM, make mine dependent, and then change the registry so it relies on the ESP instead, right? But also, it will allow me to use the resources from your mod, correct? No crashy or anything?
Likewise, do you have a gridmap available that shows the cell coordinates the area
Yes, you can esmify the esp yourself using Wrye Bash if you want, or just use one I've already made--
The esmified esp is only good for use as a master file in the CS though, so you will need to switch it out when you actually go to play the game.
Like Uglulyx said, when first making your new dependent esp, begin by nudging some rock and saving. A dependent esp needs to be anchored to the landscape for some reason.
And here is a grid map of the mod, although it only covers the vanilla cells. I've also added new ones to that missing chunk in the very middle of Elsweyr.
I think I'll update that map sometime to mark out which cells are being used by locations like towns, caves and other mods.
Yeah i know , i have a tendance to give free gift to everyone in my mods... i should really start to becarefull not to cheat the game by giving to much loot... (but in a way a person that goes on exploration, then die, and after that you "player" find the manor of that person who died on exploration, will it be 100% empty of any loot ?) Not sure... but i promess i'll take care not to give too much in the future...
I'm working on V-2 at the momment and i will check it out... wait till v-2 for giving a try to my mod
@ Iliana: Is it possible to "guesstimate" when will the next updates be ready ?
I'm mostly pretty stingy with my quest rewards.

The next update? Perhaps before xmas.
Since it takes less than 5 seconds to ESMify an ESP, there's really no point in downloading an already ESMified ESP. You'll still need to ESPify it again to test in-game, and then re-ESMify to return to the CS for further editing anyway. Might as well get in the habit of doing such things yourself, since no other mods provide ESMified versions of themselves, so getting used to the procedure straight away is vital if you expect to be making future mods dependent on other ESPs.
I usually have both sitting in my data folder and just add or remove a letter to the file names to switch between them. But that's just my personal preference.
Providing a pre-esmified esp makes it easier for people to jump straight into modding the mod.