[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 5)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 am

I still need to figure out what to use for building desert dungeons and tombs. I really do need something like the old Morrowind tomb set. For the time being dungeons are mostly on hold.

Wait for Forsaken Isles to be released by Phitt, at which point all resources become available for everyone to use if desired. He or others working on Forsaken Isles has produced Morrowind-style tombs.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:51 am

It really does look fabulous in-game. A very impressive sight, especially as you climb down the mountain road from the Valenwood border.




I had a look at Dune again... not sure, but I think the houses might be a bit small... I'm playing a Nord though. Perhaps you can make it so that small Khajiit (what's the name?) live in Dune?
btw do you want the silver and copper domes on the houses to be as shiny as the gold ones? I discovered how to achieve that effect when creating the palace, so the "older" houses and towers don't have it.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

I had a look at Dune again... not sure, but I think the houses might be a bit small... I'm playing a Nord though. Perhaps you can make it so that small Khajiit (what's the name?) live in Dune?
btw do you want the silver and copper domes on the houses to be as shiny as the gold ones? I discovered how to achieve that effect when creating the palace, so the "older" houses and towers don't have it.

I think the houses will be fine. I have some of the Dune guards standing near some and they seem to fit ok. The small lower class ones are the tiniest, perhaps inside they could have a depressed floor, with a couple of steps going down?

The shiny silver and copper domes sounds cool. :)

You know those Orcrest gate towers you redid for me . . . could you remove the second doorway added to the tower on the left? Its in a bit of an awkward spot. They can always get into that second tower via the walkway above.
The tower spikes make Orcrest look much rougher!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:53 am

Yes, all the khajiit races are identical to regular khajiit. They were only really intended for NPCs, and on NPCs the race modifiers aren't particularly noticeable.

So...does there being intended for NPCs mean I shouldn't choose one of them as my race? Or is it fine to choose them and you just didn't change the stats because they were inteded for NPCs?

Lastly, I'm using the Race Balancing Project mod. Would the new khajiits from your mod recieve the default oblivion khajiit stats or would they recieve the khajiit stats from RBP?

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:59 am

You know those Orcrest gate towers you redid for me . . . could you remove the second doorway added to the tower on the left? Its in a bit of an awkward spot. They can always get into that second tower via the walkway above.
The tower spikes make Orcrest look much rougher!

could you post a screen? not sure what you mean...

Here my suggestions for Rimmen:


Does not need to be so big, but imho it looks rather impressive. Phitt's meshes are excellent and go well with my wall meshes.
The challenge here will be to find meshes for houses that have roughly the same (high) quality as the pagoda and wall (which is a rather simple mesh, compared to the pagoda).
What do you think?
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:54 pm

That's why I leap to this threat every time I see a new post by you.
Impressive indeed.:)
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:22 pm

Wow, this looks amazing!
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George PUluse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am


You're starting to scare me! :biglaugh:
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Rex Help
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:17 am

That's mr_siika for you alright, making things in a minute, while normal modders needs weeks or months to achieve the same quality.
Amazing skills :clap:
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:40 pm

Does not need to be so big, but imho it looks rather impressive. Phitt's meshes are excellent and go well with my wall meshes.
The challenge here will be to find meshes for houses that have roughly the same (high) quality as the pagoda and wall (which is a rather simple mesh, compared to the pagoda).
What do you think?

It does look impressive. My attempts to retexture Corinthe walls totally svck comparing to this.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm

I don't know if this will help or not, but I made an interior and exterior tile set for Tsaesci buildings.

I made them ages ago for the still very alive Akavir Project. Originally they uses this horrible collision which caused a lot of slow down, but after reading about similar problems with Orcrest models I was able to fix them. They use standard Vanilla textures and can be used to make almost any type of structure. I think they will blend in with the Rimmen architecture easily.

If you want' em just ask.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:12 am


Those look great...I like the dead body laying around in the first pic...
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:10 pm

Could you post a link? Still can't find it.
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28218could be helpful as well for Rimmen...

As mr_siika did mentioned me already: grzesiog1, if you like, put me on the list. I would have started this Rimmen project myself, if I ever knew about this part of the lore before.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

could you post a screen? not sure what you mean...

Here my suggestions for Rimmen:


Does not need to be so big, but imho it looks rather impressive. Phitt's meshes are excellent and go well with my wall meshes.
The challenge here will be to find meshes for houses that have roughly the same (high) quality as the pagoda and wall (which is a rather simple mesh, compared to the pagoda).
What do you think?
Oh My Deity! That looks wicked. Guess I'll be adding Rimmen to the worldmap after all. :)
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 pm

could you post a screen? not sure what you mean...

Yes, here you go, this is the doorway I mean.

I tried the city of Dune in the LOD. There are a couple of minor issues with it. The palace courtyard LODs don't appear to be working (the textures for them are still unfinished?), and the outer wall really needs a deeper foundation.

One problem with LOD meshes is that they only approximate the landscape, so oft times walls appear to float. I can create a temporary esp for generating the LOD mesh with the ground raised higher and higher until it appears about right, but the wall foundation still needs to be deeper because I will never be able to get it quite that exact.
The messy vertex shading left behind the old mock town will dissapear when the LOD texture for the quad is ready to be recreated.

I had a look at those palmetto trees on the savannah. The problem seems to be with the LOD billboard texture which is stretched out horizontally. Maybe Siegfried (if you're around) could have a look at those.

So...does there being intended for NPCs mean I shouldn't choose one of them as my race? Or is it fine to choose them and you just didn't change the stats because they were inteded for NPCs?
Lastly, I'm using the Race Balancing Project mod. Would the new khajiits from your mod recieve the default oblivion khajiit stats or would they recieve the khajiit stats from RBP?

The races are simply duplicates of the vanilla khajiit one, retextured. Its a copy so it has exactly the same stats as a regular khajiit. RBP won't alter it.
You can play those, if you have the race fix mod, which solves some of the problems associated with new races.

Wait for Forsaken Isles to be released by Phitt, at which point all resources become available for everyone to use if desired. He or others working on Forsaken Isles has produced Morrowind-style tombs.

Yes, those would be perfect. When its released I could look at using those. The Morrowind tombs would suit a desert and are quite generic looking, so wouldn't look out of place in Elsweyr.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 am

Yes, here you go, this is the doorway I mean.

I see.

I tried the city of Dune in the LOD. There are a couple of minor issues with it. The palace courtyard LODs don't appear to be working (the textures for them are still unfinished?), and the outer wall really needs a deeper foundation.

One problem with LOD meshes is that they only approximate the landscape, so oft times walls appear to float. I can create a temporary esp for generating the LOD mesh with the ground raised higher and higher until it appears about right, but the wall foundation still needs to be deeper because I will never be able to get it quite that exact.
The messy vertex shading left behind the old mock town will dissapear when the LOD texture for the quad is ready to be recreated.

I have to check the textures, but everything worked fine for me, so maybe I forgot to add them (there should be two palace LOD textures + their two normal maps).
As for the city walls: I had the same problem, but I thought that there's a problem with the landscape LOD. I mean the landscape LOD did not change at all since the old town's gone, did it? I don't think there can be such a big difference between the LOD mesh and the actual height. I have no experience with landscape LOD, but could it be that the heightmap in the editor has not been updated with the raised land information of the CS??
If there's no way to change the landscape LOD there's the possibility that I create a far mesh for a "hill" with landscape textures to place under the city...

about Rimmen: As I understand it, Rimmen is a poor, battered city with Akaviri roots, not a glorious, impressive Akaviri city. If so, I'll have to redo my city walls, add damage to them, and I'll have to adapt Phitt's pagoda to look damaged and even collapsed. Or did I get a wrong impression?
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anna ley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 am


more and more talented people are engaging in your beautiful project so it is logical for the community to raise the expectations bar :)

regarding the morrowind tombs, have you checked Giskard mod "the necromancer"?
It includes an amount of (small) Morrowind tombs scattered around the NE Cyrodiil boarders.

Don't know if you would like to contact him for a permission to use...
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George PUluse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

Don't know if you would like to contact him for a permission to use...
Ignoring for a side the notion that http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisContinuity mentioned exist, so just speaking in theory: Asking someone for permission who has been known to revoke permissions already granted because the mod team in question dared to think about cleaning mods they already put a lot of work into, and who did a lot of other questionable acts, would be a bit like throwing bricks onto your own feet. Only do this if you enjoy the resulting pain.

Better wait for Phitt's tombs, I'd say :).
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 am


more and more talented people are engaging in your beautiful project so it is logical for the community to raise the expectations bar :)

regarding the morrowind tombs, have you checked Giskard mod "the necromancer"?
It includes an amount of (small) Morrowind tombs scattered around the NE Cyrodiil boarders.

Don't know if you would like to contact him for a permission to use...

just for the record

the resources used in Giskards necromancer mod are taken from the Barabus Crypt Set and are not resources made by Giskard...

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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 am

I see.
I have to check the textures, but everything worked fine for me, so maybe I forgot to add them (there should be two palace LOD textures + their two normal maps).
As for the city walls: I had the same problem, but I thought that there's a problem with the landscape LOD. I mean the landscape LOD did not change at all since the old town's gone, did it? I don't think there can be such a big difference between the LOD mesh and the actual height. I have no experience with landscape LOD, but could it be that the heightmap in the editor has not been updated with the raised land information of the CS??
If there's no way to change the landscape LOD there's the possibility that I create a far mesh for a "hill" with landscape textures to place under the city...
about Rimmen: As I understand it, Rimmen is a poor, battered city with Akaviri roots, not a glorious, impressive Akaviri city. If so, I'll have to redo my city walls, add damage to them, and I'll have to adapt Phitt's pagoda to look damaged and even collapsed. Or did I get a wrong impression?

I had a look at the lodmeshes again. Those two do have blank textures, so perhaps the latest ones got missed in the latest package you sent me.

The LOD landscape mesh is correct. The new road indents and levels of the city do show up. However landscape LOD only approximates the landscape so city walls on a sloping hillside often end up floating if they don't have a deep foundation, at other times things will get buried beneath them. I have generated those landscape meshes dozens and dozens of time this year, so I'm pretty used to working with them. They can be very frustrating though, and quite unpredictable. Each time you run it in the CS the mesh comes out looking slightly different.

However, its only visible from far distances, not mid-range. So the only fix required is a deeper foundation beneath those walls, or some LOD object to place beneath them. The rest of the city's base is hidden from that distance, and the other walls further back touch the ground ok.

I think Rimmen would be a bit shabby. It was founded by Akaviri refugees and their followers fleeing Cyrodiil in a previous era and is apparently now overrun with alot of poor khajiit. But in the novel the potentate's palace has a gold dome roof and the temple of a thousand statues is supposed to be an architectural wonder, so it obviously still has some wealth.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 am

I had a look at the lodmeshes again. Those two do have blank textures, so perhaps the latest ones got missed in the latest package you sent me.

I'll send you the textures when I get home in the evening.

However, its only visible from far distances, not mid-range. So the only fix required is a deeper foundation beneath those walls, or some LOD object to place beneath them. The rest of the city's base is hidden from that distance, and the other walls further back touch the ground ok.

Ok, i'll create a hill mesh (otherwise it'll look strange if the size of the walls changes, when the engine switches from _far to normal mesh)

I think Rimmen would be a bit shabby. It was founded by Akaviri refugees and their followers fleeing Cyrodiil in a previous era and is apparently now overrun with alot of poor khajiit. But in the novel the potentate's palace has a gold dome roof and the temple of a thousand statues is supposed to be an architectural wonder, so it obviously still has some wealth.

It would be best if you and grzesiog1 decided together where exactly to put Rimmen. It would be easier for me then to create the wall meshes. If the city gets some sort of flat space to stand on, I'd go for different wall meshes than if the city has to be built into the mountain. The expected size would also be helpful.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:06 am

could you post a screen? not sure what you mean...

Here my suggestions for Rimmen:


Does not need to be so big, but imho it looks rather impressive. Phitt's meshes are excellent and go well with my wall meshes.
The challenge here will be to find meshes for houses that have roughly the same (high) quality as the pagoda and wall (which is a rather simple mesh, compared to the pagoda).
What do you think?

Well well, my nagging did manage to do something eh :P I know that I was a bit irritating when I asked for Rimmen so many times, but well, it did work :D

Thanks a lot for the work on Rimmen you guys :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

It would be best if you and grzesiog1 decided together where exactly to put Rimmen. It would be easier for me then to create the wall meshes. If the city gets some sort of flat space to stand on, I'd go for different wall meshes than if the city has to be built into the mountain. The expected size would also be helpful.

Look at Tamriel exterior cell 15,-20: you'll find an initialy disabled map marker named 'Rimmen'. Same place as the word 'Rimmen' on the colored map 'cyrodiil_elsweyr'. This terrain is pure 'vanilla', as far as I can see, exept the marker of course ;)

-Some of the description in the book tells that the city "had elegant bones of ivory-colored stone with few towers but many domes. ... the market, a bustling, colorful plaza empty in the middle but girdled by tents and stalls and bounded by canols. A broad avenue flanked by even more expansive waterways continued on to what was clearly the palace, an ancient-looking structure raised up on a high, tiered stone substructure. The tiers held some buildings, and apparently earth, because [Attrebus] could see trees growing there. Surmounting that was a cylindrical building with a large golden dome. Water cascaded down the sides of the palace, feeding the pool that encircled it." It goes on to say that the Tonenaka is on the east side of the palace and is similar to the Cloud Ruler Temple in appearance. Less than half the people on the streets are Khajiit, and those that are are wasted on skooma. The description is brief but informative (I recommend the book, it's quite good), and it should help any prospective city-builders.

This made me think of something like here: http://www.jcastle.info/photos/view/151-%5Bcensored%5Du-Matsuyama-Castle, which would quite perfectly fit into the terrain. I think I can 'Blender build' it, based on the Cloudruler meshes (with enough time, of course, I'm not mr_siika :P). A market place, the avenue and the canols won't fit without 'heavy' terrain editing, not much flat surface there.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 am

Wow, I'd never expect such interest in Rimmen.

Welcom to the team Auryga, I will need lots of help with everything. Expectations are growing very fast and its getting way too much for me. Actually you can become team leader if you like because you seem much more experienced in modding than I am (I haven't released a sigle mod so far).

It would be best if you and grzesiog1 decided together where exactly to put Rimmen. It would be easier for me then to create the wall meshes. If the city gets some sort of flat space to stand on, I'd go for different wall meshes than if the city has to be built into the mountain. The expected size would also be helpful.

I was thinking about a plateau around cell 12, -18, after some landscape edits there is almost enough flat space for Orcrest oasis district.

It's shape would be closest to rectangle and would be a bit larger than Orcrest oasis district but deffinitly smaller than whole Orcrest, but thats just an idea. We'll let you know as soon as we decide.

If you want' em just ask.

I want them. Pleeeeeease. But I can't guarantee we'll use them since Auryga and mr_siika want to make new models.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 pm

Rimmen is "ostensibly" a kingdom of it's own. Wouldn't it be big then? At least bigger then Orcrest, I think.
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Eileen Collinson
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