[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 5)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 pm

Rimmen is "ostensibly" a kingdom of it's own. Wouldn't it be big then? At least bigger then Orcrest, I think.

A kingdom doesn't have to be big. You could declare yourself king right now, your home would be your kingdom since that's as far as your rule would reach - beyond the front door it's government-ruled. A kingdom is as small or as large as the "king" figure's political or military power can reach.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:17 am

Rimmen is "ostensibly" a kingdom of it's own. Wouldn't it be big then? At least bigger then Orcrest, I think.

I agree it should be bigger than Orcrest. But there is simply not enough space between Orcrest and Bravil for a very big city. Even if it won't be big it will seem a bit to close to Bravil and Orcrest. Another thing is that its going to be in the very middle of a border region and it's hard to get some space for a small village there.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 pm

Small and well design, well clottered with a unique atmospehere rather then Huge and borring/clasic looking ! No ? !!!
Take your time and make it worth !
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

I think Rimmen would be a bit shabby.

That is what I think, also...besides, it is very close to the bummiest town in Cyrodiil...Bravil.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am

I was thinking about a plateau around cell 12, -18, after some landscape edits there is almost enough flat space for Orcrest oasis district.

Please don't go the plateau route. Try building it into the landscape with minimal terrain alterations. Given the location you're looking at, I think if you build a plateau right on the side of a mountain it will look very unnatural for a city of that size. The way OB handles plateaus gives them a very bulldozed look, and unfortunately the Akaviri have not yet discoreved bulldozers.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm

wow lovin the look of those akaciri looking buildings! may i ask if Rimmen could come into full being some time in a later update?
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:39 am

Rimmen will be such a fun new addition to Elsweyr...my already overall favorite mod.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

I got a question for the thread starter! Do I have to delete and reinstall or reinstall the ELSWEYR, THE DESERTS OF ANEQUINA mod to play the contents described by you?
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 pm

Err, I think all you need to do is install any new updates on top of whatever version you allready have installed...
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:03 pm

I got a question for the thread starter! Do I have to delete and reinstall or reinstall the ELSWEYR, THE DESERTS OF ANEQUINA mod to play the contents described by you?

Iggey is correct. "Do as he says, not as I do"
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:21 am

Ignoring for a side the notion that http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisContinuity mentioned exist

I do not understand the meaning of this bg2408 since both the modder and the mods exist and are still available but I am certainly not willing to reinitiate conversations that lead nowhere, forcing people to "take sides"...

In any case, since tombs used in "the Necromancer" belong to the "Barabus Crypt Set" as mentioned by onra and are not resources created by Giskard (which I was not aware of) renders all this discussion meaningless.

Phitt's tombs I have not seen so I cannot judge.

I guess its up to Iliana and the rest of the mod contributors to decide what resources they would like to use and I am certainly not worried for the quality of the addons that will follow :)

take care
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am

Wow, I'd never expect such interest in Rimmen.
Welcom to the team Auryga, I will need lots of help with everything. Expectations are growing very fast and its getting way too much for me. Actually you can become team leader if you like because you seem much more experienced in modding than I am (I haven't released a sigle mod so far).
I was thinking about a plateau around cell 12, -18, after some landscape edits there is almost enough flat space for Orcrest oasis district.
It's shape would be closest to rectangle and would be a bit larger than Orcrest oasis district but deffinitly smaller than whole Orcrest, but thats just an idea. We'll let you know as soon as we decide.

I assume this is going to be a completely separate mod, adjacent to Anequina? I don't use any of the terrain in the Rimmen area, so you won't have to worry about conflicting landscape edits.
I think Rimmen is supposed to be directly south of Bravil, just a little way off the Bravil-Leyawiin road, across the Elsweyr side of the border -- on the hillside with a view of the Niben.

Look at Tamriel exterior cell 15,-20: you'll find an initialy disabled map marker named 'Rimmen'. Same place as the word 'Rimmen' on the colored map 'cyrodiil_elsweyr'. This terrain is pure 'vanilla', as far as I can see, exept the marker of course ;)

That location should correspond roughly with Bethesda's dot on the map.

I'll send you the textures when I get home in the evening.
Ok, i'll create a hill mesh (otherwise it'll look strange if the size of the walls changes, when the engine switches from _far to normal mesh)
It would be best if you and grzesiog1 decided together where exactly to put Rimmen. It would be easier for me then to create the wall meshes. If the city gets some sort of flat space to stand on, I'd go for different wall meshes than if the city has to be built into the mountain. The expected size would also be helpful.

I will try some more things with the landscape lod mesh as well. I created a copy of the Elsweyr esp so I can bash around the ground a bit to hopefully generate a better one. I think I will remove the roads from the LOD mesh as well, as I prefer the smooth-sided hills like in Cyrodiil. The LOD mesh over-emphasizes them.
Rimmen is grzesiog1's design so I leave that entirely up to him.

I got a question for the thread starter! Do I have to delete and reinstall or reinstall the ELSWEYR, THE DESERTS OF ANEQUINA mod to play the contents described by you?

The updates are simply dropped in your data file on top of the existing stuff. There is no need to reinstall the entire mod each time.

In any case, since tombs used in "the Necromancer" belong to the "Barabus Crypt Set" . . . Phitt's tombs I have not seen so I cannot judge.
I guess its up to Iliana and the rest of the mod contributors to decide what resources they would like to use and I am certainly not worried for the quality of the addons that will follow :)
take care

Its not urgent. I will just wait and see. I didn't plan to create any tombs till sometime in the new year.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 am

I want them. Pleeeeeease. But I can't guarantee we'll use them since Auryga and mr_siika want to make new models.

It's not about "wanting". As this mod evolves, we should try to increase the quality of the visual part as well. I'll have a look at the meshes, and tell you what I think. You and/or Illiana can decide then.

Please don't go the plateau route.

I agree; The cell you named is not a bad one. Apart from that valley leading towards Cyrodiil you almost have a ring-shaped plateau there.
The walls could be on top of that ring, the houses on the slopes down towards the center. I'll post a screen later today.

I will try some more things with the landscape lod mesh as well. I created a copy of the Elsweyr esp so I can bash around the ground a bit to hopefully generate a better one.

Sorry I forgot to send you the textures yesterday - had some RL trouble that needed my attention - has been resolved now, so I'm back on track.

edit: Does anyone know if there will be compatibility issues between Deserts of Anequina and UL: River Strid?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:10 am

Sorry I forgot to send you the textures yesterday - had some RL trouble that needed my attention - has been resolved now, so I'm back on track.
edit: Does anyone know if there will be compatibility issues between Deserts of Anequina and UL: River Strid?

Here's a shot of the improved landscape lod for Dune. Its almost there. Just a little bit of the land subsided by the gate.

I don't think the UL:River Strid will have major compatibility problems. The cells indicated and the screenshots I've seen suggest it terminates along the mountain ridge separating Elsweyr and Valenwood, which is where my desert also comes to an end.
Anyway, I'm sure the UL team will patch it where necessary after release.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 pm

I will try some more things with the landscape lod mesh as well. I created a copy of the Elsweyr esp so I can bash around the ground a bit to hopefully generate a better one. I think I will remove the roads from the LOD mesh as well, as I prefer the smooth-sided hills like in Cyrodiil. The LOD mesh over-emphasizes them.
Rimmen is grzesiog1's design so I leave that entirely up to him.

I, for one, far prefer seeing the roads at distance. They do not seem overdone to me.

I'm still enjoying exploring the November build. Just came upon a stable and Imperial Outpost I'd not previously seen. I had my silver-bars in storage (Verona House), but have now retrieved 'em and am gonna try my hand at trading.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm

I agree; The cell you named is not a bad one. Apart from that valley leading towards Cyrodiil you almost have a ring-shaped plateau there.
The walls could be on top of that ring, the houses on the slopes down towards the center. I'll post a screen later today.

http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/371/rimmen.jpg. I mean it is a bit high above the rest of Anequina, but it's got a nice view ;-)
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

Reading the latest posts on this thread has become a daily religous event for me!
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:03 pm

Reading the latest posts on this thread has become a daily religous event for me!

For me as well !

@ Mr_Siika yeah, that's a great spot there... and those models will make a perfect new town style. glad your on it !
oh, by the way, my script is working fine, just waitting for what i've ask you... but you still have a few day's...(a week or so,maybe a lil more)
as i'm done with the revamp of the manor, i'll be starting the pyramid interior later tonight !
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:14 am

For me as well !

For a minute, I thought I was the only religous fanatic!
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

Wow, I'd never expect such interest in Rimmen.

Welcom to the team Auryga, I will need lots of help with everything. Expectations are growing very fast and its getting way too much for me. Actually you can become team leader if you like because you seem much more experienced in modding than I am (I haven't released a sigle mod so far).

Wow, too much honor. I don't really feel experienced, especially if I look at the rest of Elsweyr :P. I can't promise to be able to spend enough time to be a team leader, but if you insist ;) I'll give it a try.

http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/371/rimmen.jpg. I mean it is a bit high above the rest of Anequina, but it's got a nice view ;-)

Could you please let me finish my reply, mr_siika? I'm only on a dialup line here, and while writting this you build up a city! :P I'll nominate you for the Rimmen team leader, what about that?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:31 pm

just waitting for what i've ask you...

I already sent you a PM...

Could you please let me finish my reply, mr_siika? I'm only on a dialup line here, and while writting this you build up a city! :P I'll nominate you for the Rimmen team leader, what about that?

Thanks, but I already interfere too much ;-)
You and grzesiog1 will do a fab job, I'm sure. I'll send you two the meshes on saturday or so, so you can take a look at them and start playing around with them on that mountain.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 am

According to the Infernal City, Rimmen has canols, so I dont think putting it on a cliff is such a good idea. Its also supposed to have an Akaviri shrine there called the Tonenaka, which is said to house thousand statues.

[edit] we also get a great description of the city itself, which i'll transcribe if you want. not sure how much you care for such things, however.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:28 am

You are certainly right, but the situation is tricky. This mountain has not been placed by Illiana, it is part of vanilla Oblivion. And according to official maps, that's roughly the spot where Rimmen is.
So we have to put it on that mountain, and we have to have canols in Rimmen (I agree, we should stay as close to the description as possible). Maybe we could place the city further down, so it
would be at least possible to gather enough water from the mountain to have canols...
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:57 am

here is the thing: the land beyond cyrodiil was never ment to be explored and does not fit with lore. it was there to look pretty from a distance. if you want to keep it, then placing the city near the mountain (not on top of it) would be a solid solution.

so, here is the book description (i hope its legal to quote, if not, i'll summarize):
Rimmen has elegant bones of ivory-colored stone with few towers but many domes. Soldiers- human soldiers- met them at the gate... For another hundred yards they snaked through the twists and turns of an entry overlooked by platforms for archers, mages, and siege weapons. that brought them to the market, a bustling, colorful plaza empty in the middle but girdled by tents and stalls and bounded by canols. A broad avenue flanked by even more expansive waterways continued on to what was clearly the palace, an ancient-looking structure raised up on a high, tiered substructure. the tiers held some buildings, and apparently earth, because he[Attrebus] could see trees growing there. Surmounting that was a cylindrical building with a large golden dome. Water cascaded down the sides of the palace, feeding the pool that encircled it.

Attrebus wondered where all the water came from.

Off to the eastern side of the palace, he could see the odd curly-edged roof of what had to be the Akaviri temple ... The only place ... with similar architecture was Cloud Ruler Temple...


He was surprised to see that fewer than half of the people were Khajiit, and many of those lolled about with wild or vacant eyes, skooma pipes clutched in their hands. ...

They left the plaza, crossing a canol on a footbridge and thence down a narrow street where gentrly chiming bells were depended between the flat roofs of the buildings and viridian moths flittered in the shadows. the addicts were even thicker here, a few watching them and holding out their hands for money; but most were shivering, lost in their visions.

They arrived at their destinations, a smaller square with a fortified building surrounded by guards in purple surcoats and red sashes.

Now, keep in mind that this is 50 years after Oblivion. The general description is probably still true, however, the population status might have changed after
Elsweyr succeeded from the Empire, the Mane was assassinated, and a totalitarian Potentate took control of Rimmen.

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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:02 pm

I think I found a good spot for Rimmen: 16,-23 should be much better and the map-location is quite good as well!
@Lady Nerevar: thanks for the info!
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