I think its better if she keep it this way, those 4 town are the "lore" town eniway, so adding more would completly break the lore... No ?
To my humble opinion, i'd rather have only 4 town of lore with lots of quests ! Or perhaps you dont really care about the lore ? !!!
@ Display: Hope your right about that....
"It's not hard to relocate to a child worldspace in the future, if it does turn out that too many NPC AI packages are bogging down game-play in and around the city."
C'ause with OBC even with my pc spec, witch are good, i get a rush in fps, specialy in day time...
Your post implies that you're looking for a way to move OBC into child worldspaces to improve FPS. Just download BC instead!
What is the trick for creating those child world spaces? And do they just inherit the LOD mesh and texture files from the parent world?
A child worldspace uses the land records from the parent worldspace, so the land height and texturing is identical (and editing the land height in the child worldspace actually makes the changes to the parent worldspace). You also get the same world map as the parent worldspace, which means Fast Travel is possible directly into and out of the city from anywhere in the parent worldspace (or from any other child worldspace of the same parent worldspace).
You open the "World Spaces" window from the "World" menu, right-click in the list and select "New", type a name for the world (not the name that appears in-game) and click OK.
Then ensure that world is selected in the list, type the name of the worldspace as you would want it to appear in-game in the "Name" field, open the Parent Worldspace drop-down menu and select Tamriel, open the Music drop-down menu and select the default music type for the worldspace, ensure that "Small World" and "No LOD Water" are both ticked, then click OK. This closes the World Spaces window, confirms the edits you've made to the new worldspace, and adds it to the list of worldspaces you can view from the "Cell View" window.
Select the new worldspace from the Cell View window, and open any cell (you won't see any cell you actually want in the list yet). Now you need to manually scroll the Render Window all the way to the location you want to use (exactly the same cell grid reference as in the parent worldspace). When you get to the location, name some of the cells so that you can easily find them again later. You'll notice that land height and texture exactly matches the same cells in the parent worldspace.
To move items from the parent worldspace to the child worldspace, you select them and copy in the parent worldspace, switch to the same cell in the child worldspace, then "paste in place" (from the Edit menu). They'll all be copied to the exact same location in the child worldspace. Of course doors will need relinking, and any AI and quests and scripts would need updating to point to the new worldspace, but that doesn't take too long.
If your computer has a reasonable amount of RAM, you can safely copy the entire contents of several cells at once, but if you're low on RAM, don't try to copy too much or the CS will crash. I know that it is possible to copy an entire Better Cities child worldspace into its parent worldspace without a crash, from when I created OBC (I think Skingrad was the only exception - it crashed the CS so I had to copy in two batches).
Forgot to say, but obviously if you DO choose to move from the Tamriel worldspace to a child worldspace, don't forget to wipe out everything but the walls and buildings in the parent worldspace once you're done!