[RELz/Beta] Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina (Thread 5)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 pm

This save was 598mb!
Holy Cwap! :o Is that even possible? I guess so. :o
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:20 pm

Holy Cwap! :o Is that even possible? I guess so. :o

My initial reaction was much the same, if not quite so postable.

Sadly, I deleted the save (for fear of mistakenly trying to launch it), but now wish I'd simply moved it to some other location. I know of no utility that anolyzes Oblivion saves, but it would have been interesting to see what Wrye_Bash's bloat remover would do with it.

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Sarah Evason
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:39 am

There is a chance, but there's another thing (for Elsweyr, don't worry ;-) ) I have to finish first.

Another thing for Elsweyr? Cool! I like surprises. :)

But Iliana can just work in the Tamriel worldspace as she wishes, which would ensure that each District can view everything around without loss of detail. It's not hard to relocate to a child worldspace in the future, if it does turn out that too many NPC AI packages are bogging down game-play in and around the city.

I could give it a shot. The lower town and the palace courtyard would be ideal for child worldspaces because the view "out" isn't so great. The upper class district can stay open -- for the vista. Actually that wouldn't be too far different from how Anvil is set up.

What is the trick for creating those child world spaces? And do they just inherit the LOD mesh and texture files from the parent world?

I think its better if she keep it this way, those 4 town are the "lore" town eniway, so adding more would completly break the lore... No ?
To my humble opinion, i'd rather have only 4 town of lore with lots of quests ! Or perhaps you dont really care about the lore ? !!!
@ Display: Hope your right about that....
"It's not hard to relocate to a child worldspace in the future, if it does turn out that too many NPC AI packages are bogging down game-play in and around the city."
C'ause with OBC even with my pc spec, witch are good, i get a rush in fps, specialy in day time...

I think he meant the other Elsweyr towns -- Rimmen, Torval and Senchal.
Rimmen is one of the few actually described with any detail in lore, it even turns up in the new TES novel.

An update to my last posting (in the mod's previous thread)...
I rebuilt Elsweyr in from the ground up thusly (in order):
  • ElsweyrAnequinaMod.rar
  • ElsweyrOrcrestHightTextureSizeFix from the Sep09 optional files
  • Arthmoor's AnequinaCollisionOptimized.7z (meshes)
  • Arthmoor's RAEVWD_Elsweyr_Anequina.7z (minus rocks and trees)
  • (I also use the Faregyl-Elsweyr Road Patch, but didn't need to redo it.)

All is not well though. I've had two "...stopped responding" crashes and a freeze during save
On a more mundane level, I entered one building in Orcrest (during a session without crash) and one in Corinthe. Both times the door would not allow exit. I remember this being an issue some time ago. Is it still on the to-fix list, or is something wrong with my particular build?

Ah, yes, you shouldn't have used that collision optimised package. Some interior doors are blocked as a result, which means quite a few NPCs become trapped in their homes and can't complete their AI packages. You should only use the files I included with the release. I did include most of the optimised ones in my uploads anyway.
I don't know what would cause the crash, perhaps its a knock-on-effect from trapped NPCs with must complete AI packages, like the city guards which are referenced to one another.
I have no idea about the save game bloat. This mod shouldn't do that. My current save game is only around 4MB.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 pm

Ok, here's a pic of the thing I created today: a http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z133/mr_siika/Elsweyr/duneRunner.jpg. Iliana, do you want it for Elsweyr?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:40 pm

I think he meant the other Elsweyr towns -- Rimmen, Torval and Senchal.
Rimmen is one of the few actually described with any detail in lore, it even turns up in the new TES novel.

Uhhm, I didn't really know that there were actually more towns then those 3 :P So yes, I was talking about those towns. I mean, they are pretty important towns, and they are on http://www.imperial-library.info/maps/obcodex_elsweyr.jpg. I only thought of the towns on this map when I said that it would be cool if they would be included someday. I'm only saying someday, so only when all the other work that is more important is finished, or something like that.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 am

Ah, yes, you shouldn't have used that collision optimised package. Some interior doors are blocked as a result, which means quite a few NPCs become trapped in their homes and can't complete their AI packages. You should only use the files I included with the release. I did include most of the optimised ones in my uploads anyway.
I don't know what would cause the crash, perhaps its a knock-on-effect from trapped NPCs with must complete AI packages, like the city guards which are referenced to one another.
I have no idea about the save game bloat. This mod shouldn't do that. My current save game is only around 4MB.

Woot! Thanks for the info. I shall rebuild Elsweyr again, this time sans Athmoor's Optimization! May I assume that the HighRezOcrestFix (from the Sep09 Optional files) and Arthmoor's Elsweyr_RAEVWD are still legit add-ons? As to the bloated save, I'm hoping it was a one-time freak occurrence. Should it happen again, and only while in Elswyer, I'll let ya know.

Again, thanks for this wonderful mod.

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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 am

Do you have plans to (or have you already) upload the OMOD, decrepit? I, for one, would love to have an easy-to-install version of Anequina; for some reason, I always miss meshes and/or textures when I install updates.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 pm

I think its better if she keep it this way, those 4 town are the "lore" town eniway, so adding more would completly break the lore... No ?
To my humble opinion, i'd rather have only 4 town of lore with lots of quests ! Or perhaps you dont really care about the lore ? !!!

@ Display: Hope your right about that....
"It's not hard to relocate to a child worldspace in the future, if it does turn out that too many NPC AI packages are bogging down game-play in and around the city."
C'ause with OBC even with my pc spec, witch are good, i get a rush in fps, specialy in day time...

Your post implies that you're looking for a way to move OBC into child worldspaces to improve FPS. Just download BC instead!

What is the trick for creating those child world spaces? And do they just inherit the LOD mesh and texture files from the parent world?

A child worldspace uses the land records from the parent worldspace, so the land height and texturing is identical (and editing the land height in the child worldspace actually makes the changes to the parent worldspace). You also get the same world map as the parent worldspace, which means Fast Travel is possible directly into and out of the city from anywhere in the parent worldspace (or from any other child worldspace of the same parent worldspace).

You open the "World Spaces" window from the "World" menu, right-click in the list and select "New", type a name for the world (not the name that appears in-game) and click OK.

Then ensure that world is selected in the list, type the name of the worldspace as you would want it to appear in-game in the "Name" field, open the Parent Worldspace drop-down menu and select Tamriel, open the Music drop-down menu and select the default music type for the worldspace, ensure that "Small World" and "No LOD Water" are both ticked, then click OK. This closes the World Spaces window, confirms the edits you've made to the new worldspace, and adds it to the list of worldspaces you can view from the "Cell View" window.
Select the new worldspace from the Cell View window, and open any cell (you won't see any cell you actually want in the list yet). Now you need to manually scroll the Render Window all the way to the location you want to use (exactly the same cell grid reference as in the parent worldspace). When you get to the location, name some of the cells so that you can easily find them again later. You'll notice that land height and texture exactly matches the same cells in the parent worldspace.

To move items from the parent worldspace to the child worldspace, you select them and copy in the parent worldspace, switch to the same cell in the child worldspace, then "paste in place" (from the Edit menu). They'll all be copied to the exact same location in the child worldspace. Of course doors will need relinking, and any AI and quests and scripts would need updating to point to the new worldspace, but that doesn't take too long.

If your computer has a reasonable amount of RAM, you can safely copy the entire contents of several cells at once, but if you're low on RAM, don't try to copy too much or the CS will crash. I know that it is possible to copy an entire Better Cities child worldspace into its parent worldspace without a crash, from when I created OBC (I think Skingrad was the only exception - it crashed the CS so I had to copy in two batches).

Forgot to say, but obviously if you DO choose to move from the Tamriel worldspace to a child worldspace, don't forget to wipe out everything but the walls and buildings in the parent worldspace once you're done!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:38 am

Ok, here's a pic of the thing I created today: a http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z133/mr_siika/Elsweyr/duneRunner.jpg. Iliana, do you want it for Elsweyr?

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 am

Ok, here's a pic of the thing I created today: a http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z133/mr_siika/Elsweyr/duneRunner.jpg. Iliana, do you want it for Elsweyr?

That's fantastic! A lizard-ostrich thing. :)

I think we can call it a slarjei . . .
There's this little passage on Elsweyr in a TES book--
"They went to the village to change the horses for slarjei whatever they are. Slarjei are better in the desert than horses."

I wonder if we could make your cattle look like wild African or Indian ones? Herds of those would be quite cool.

Uhhm, I didn't really know that there were actually more towns then those 3 :P So yes, I was talking about those towns. I mean, they are pretty important towns, and they are on http://www.imperial-library.info/maps/obcodex_elsweyr.jpg. I only thought of the towns on this map when I said that it would be cool if they would be included someday. I'm only saying someday, so only when all the other work that is more important is finished, or something like that.

Those other towns are in the jungles of Pellitine and Torval is Elsweyr's capital. I only ever planned to cover the Anequina region in this mod, which is the northern half of the province. Just the 4 towns is more than enough for me.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:57 am

Those other towns are in the jungles of Pellitine and Torval is Elsweyr's capital. I only ever planned to cover the Anequina region in this mod, which is the northern half of the province. Just the 4 towns is more than enough for me.

But I mean like, if someone else would make that for you, and it would be absolutely amazing, would you then use it in your mod?
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:46 pm

But I mean like, if someone else would make that for you, and it would be absolutely amazing, would you then use it in your mod?
I think if someone is willing to do that it may be better to make it a seperate mod, maybe depending on Anequina.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:15 am

I am gonna need some help with some names, if that is alright. I am not great with Khajiit style names.

I need the name of a tribal mother who is a witch/shaman.

I also need a name for a secret sect of Khajiit assassins. They will be panther-like assassins dressed in dark clothing. They will be an enemy group without individual names.

Thanks for any help :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:47 am

Ah, yes, you shouldn't have used that collision optimised package.

Speaking of that, I think silka mentioned further optimizations on the meshes that the collision was done for. Is this still in the works? Once that's done it would probably be a good idea for me to hit up the LODs on the updated meshes so that they're more optimized as well.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am

[quote name='display name is already in use' date='Dec 12 2009, 02:45 PM' post='15414791']
Your post implies that you're looking for a way to move OBC into child worldspaces to improve FPS. Just download BC instead!

No, this is not wath i meant..., i like having OBC, even with the lil FPS hit... it's only bad in day time when everybody's outside... but i'll stick to it... for now !

@ Mr_Siika: KOOL, i always wanted one of these "thing" to quickly run across Anequina... hope Iliana will give it an appropriate speed attribute !

A quick question, from photobucket, witch is (one of the 4) picture link to be use to be posted here in the "add picture" feature ? i always get wrong here "comapere to nexus" normaly it's the "direct link" that need to be copied...
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:15 pm

mr Siika,

Your dune-runner/lizard-ostrich-thing/slarjei is simply a superb addition to the deserts in Elsweyr. Any possibility of adding a more pronounced tail of some sort for balance? It could be a big fan of feathers, or a reptilian tale, whatever fit your artistic vision.

On another note:

One of my favorite poems is Percy Bysshe Shelley's Ozymandias. It's short, so I'll post it.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I would so love to come across this ruin as you, mr siika, might create it in the sands of Elsweyr. Please forgive my presumption in making this request. You, Iliana, and many other mod makers have already added countless hours of pleasure to my game. But..........I just can't help it. I have to ask. :embarrass:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 pm

Aside from my questions above, is there a specific, known FormID for the sandstorm weather? I would like to use the forceweather console command for recording videos.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 am

I am so glad to see all thes S-load of posts put up already in this thread! Keep em coming! Ideas are what drives projects to completion faster!!!!!!!!!
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 am

Me and a new friend I made (dunno if she wants to be named?) are going to make Well of the Undying a truly awesome mod, the likes of which you have never seen before.

Not exaggerating.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 pm

Aside from my questions above, is there a specific, known FormID for the sandstorm weather? I would like to use the forceweather console command for recording videos.

There are two formIDs for sandstorms: 01000D27 and 0105DADB. The 01 in front needs to be changed to match the index for where Anequina is in your load order.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:37 am

A child worldspace uses the land records from the parent worldspace, so the land height and texturing is identical (and editing the land height in the child worldspace actually makes the changes to the parent worldspace). You also get the same world map as the parent worldspace, which means Fast Travel is possible directly into and out of the city from anywhere in the parent worldspace (or from any other child worldspace of the same parent worldspace) . . .

Thanks for those instructions. It seems fairly straight forward. I noticed a few requirements I missed when I attempted one.
Copying and pasting an entire city is not a problem. I've done that lots of time.
At least I can take this step right away with Dune. Moving a city after all the AI and fixed references had been set would be awkward.

But I mean like, if someone else would make that for you, and it would be absolutely amazing, would you then use it in your mod?

One could be built as a separate but dependent plugin if someone wanted to attempt something like that.

I think if someone is willing to do that it may be better to make it a seperate mod, maybe depending on Anequina.

Towns can also be completely self-contained like Morrowind's Mournhold was. Saves having to create in-between landscape.

I am gonna need some help with some names, if that is alright. I am not great with Khajiit style names.
I need the name of a tribal mother who is a witch/shaman.
I also need a name for a secret sect of Khajiit assassins. They will be panther-like assassins dressed in dark clothing. They will be an enemy group without individual names.
Thanks for any help :)

If you can't think any, just mix-and-match bits of existing names--
Like take J'raska and Shaba and make J 'raba. Just using that Morrowind khajiit list will give you an endless number of combos.

Speaking of that, I think silka mentioned further optimizations on the meshes that the collision was done for. Is this still in the works? Once that's done it would probably be a good idea for me to hit up the LODs on the updated meshes so that they're more optimized as well.

He sent me replacements for some of the Orcrest ones -- the walls and towers with the spikes added and a few other fixed buildings. Are those the ones you were thinking of?

@ Mr_Siika: KOOL, i always wanted one of these "thing" to quickly run across Anequina... hope Iliana will give it an appropriate speed attribute !

Speed attributes are tricky to judge. Its easy for horses because you can compare it with other horses. But for different mounts its a bit of guesswork because its juggled between the run animation, the scale of the model, the speed attribute, and the agility attribute for clearing hillocks and hurdles.

Me and a new friend I made (dunno if she wants to be named?) are going to make Well of the Undying a truly awesome mod, the likes of which you have never seen before.
Not exaggerating.

Sounds really interesting! :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:51 pm

Off Topic,
Guys, from photobucket, witch of the 4 line of code i need to copy to the "add picture feature" here in a post... it seem to never work for me here, i mean that it's different from nexus... why it is not "direct link" as on nexus ??? Witch one is it ? Thankx !
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 pm

Use the "direct link" code at photobucket and "insert link" here. THat "insert image" button doesn't really work, as it just adds IMG tags around the text.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:48 am

Use the "direct link" code at photobucket and "insert link" here. THat "insert image" button doesn't really work, as it just adds IMG tags around the text.

Haaa, this is why... Many thankx friend !
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 am

Found a floating rock in the Ne quin-al desert. It is a small rock, but floating over the edge of one of those huge boulders. It is located exactly south of the Orcrest Township icon on the continental maop, about 2 or 3 finger width's. Hope that helps.

Oh yeah, when I hit the tilde key, then click on the floater, it says ** (e6004b2f).
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