Got a really nice little problem and wonder what you think about it:
Johnn123 is building the Rimmen marketplace, and references an ESMified ElsweyrAnequina.esp, as he uses the Elsweyr Khajiit races.
He had some problem with an interior cell and sent me his RimmenMarket.esp. As I opened it with TESSnip, I found a lot of changes far out of the Rimmen exterior cells. And I had to learn, that Johnn123 didn't touch this cells accidently.
Did some 'research' and found a possible reason:
I'm using 2 separate Oblivion folders. The first (CSOblivion) is just plain patched vanilla, and nothing in it but the Rimmen and Elsweyr ESPs.
The second one (Oblivion) is my gaming version with about 140 Mods in it, including 'Shivering Isle'.
As mentioned here some time before, Elsweyr uses some SI elements. And it's based on the SI version of Oblivion.esm, which itself contains several items not included in the vanilla esm!
When I edit, I use my 'vanilla version' folder. So if I only open (
not activate) the Elsweyr ESP every cell containing an SI object is marked as 'touched'. Simple because the SI item is missing in the vanilla Oblivion.esm. If I open the 'normal' (not ESMified) ESP version, I also get some error messages on this missing items.
For example, one is Formid 000570E7, a 'light bulb' called 'FirePlaceOrange512'. A vanilla Oblivion.esm doesn't contain it, but the Oblivion.esm which SI installs does have it. It is used in 6 ANQ... interior cells, and each of them is marked as 'touched' in Johnn123's ESP.
I suggest, Johnn123 hasn't installed SI, or edits in a 'vanilla' environment as I do. I've PM-asked him about it just before this post, but of course no answer up to now.
So it seems, using SI has another drawback, not only some items that don't appear if it's missing, but a lot of garbage in dependend mods too.
Possible solutions I see:
- cleaning the garbage records out of the dependend mod when finished editing. Not good for me, as it's a lot of work. And you're never finished ...
- replacing the SI items in the ElsweyrAnequina.esp by 'custom ones'. Not good for Iliana, as she got's the work. And, may be worse, I haven't look for the other missing items, so I don't know if they are as easy replaceable as the light bulb.
- recommend SI. Not good for those without it ... and for me too, I would need a third folder
- some magic solution I can't think of now ...
Hm, no
little problem in the end, when I look 'up' ... so much writing ...