EDIT (roughly after 1 day of playing the mod): my initial good opinion about the mod just went up a couple of notches!

I'd like to underline (among others) the very nice town layout, realistic landscaping and good variety of NPCs - all easily on par with the rest of the game, if not better! In short, I can't wait for an update, so I can play some more!
I really enjoy creating NPCs. Thank god I had Slof's khajiit textures and Luchaire's race to work with, I can't imagine the mod working with just the vanilla khajiit alone.
Visited all the towns now, Orcrest is just perfect. The sandstorms, the backalleys, traversable rooftops, all of the new objects added look stunning (are the building models new?)
Anyway just superb
I really cluttered Orcrest like crazy. Placing hundreds of splinters of broken wood and broken crates and barrels and the like took ages!
Some of the buildings in Orcrest were made by DarknessEternal (but retextured for this town), and others like the palace by theKarithian.
I've just finished off my first two new quests for the town as well.
Are there any sandy textures that have "grass" included, or are you aware of some in the CS? I need this for our super secret mod.
There are two ways you could do that. The first is just to paint the ground with the standard grass at 100%, then paint sand over it with 40% opacity. That way you would be coating the grassy ground texture with sand.
The other way is to create a new ground texture. Go to Miscellaneous, LandTexture in the CS, find the grass type you want (e.g. TerrainGCGrass01), duplicate the form, rename it and change the ground texture to sand. The grass item in the landscape form is separate from the ground texture, so you can mix any ground texture with any type of grass.
I am curious to see what your quest will be.

Is there going to be a January releae? If so, how soon? I can not play the game any more without E:TDOA in it! And the more that gets added, the more I am residing in Valhalla!
I should have the next update in a couple of weeks, and another one after that in February. I try to release one regularly every 6-8 weeks.
There will be a few new quests, including a strange love story, a murder mystery, a madwoman's request, and a beggar.
There's a few new homes in Orcrest as well, Corinthe has a dungeon prison, and the palace district is opened up and now includes a Mages Guild spread over three buildings.
And of course, the new town of Dune can be visited, although at first at it will only have a few NPCs and limited number of interiors you can go in. But in later months it will expanded.